Support CNN or not?

On March 30 or after this date, FCC must be all CC on live or near CC live video steaming news on internet. About mobile?

Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf

I agree with you. FCC must be provider the CC for d/hoh for all iPad, mobile, MacBook. It's a mandatory law must to have CC. The is the most important. Not let anyone to miss out.
Yes, some people with Usher Syndrome has a hard time to read small texts.

Do you drive?

I wish I can drive. My dad used to let me to learn how to drive when I was 14 years old. My cousin let me to her mini SUV in the country roads. She worried about my vision. After my dad passed away. I suppose to get a Driver education at deaf school in the fall. After I diagnosed of retinitis pigmentosa. He said its bad news and I was not able to drive. It made me anger and cried so hard. I was mad at my mom for told to my principal to change the class schedule. I became rebellion and against my mom for listen to my unfriendly doctor's recommended me to not drive. I did drink to grocery from my house. I used my mom's van for testing, I drove carefully and safe. After I returned to home and parking in the garage. My mom found out that I drove her van. It made her pissed off. My husband did let me drive his car for test. He is worried about my vision.

My hope for a self google car to allow me to drive for independent. I hate to depending for a ride which I'm not allow to drive.

Please excuse me for topic off. You can come to my thread of RP. You can ask me the question. :)
Yes, some people with Usher Syndrome has a hard time to read small texts.

Do you drive?

And some people give huge text to them and they cannot read the one single letter. Some of them prefer small text to read.
There is an education for you about Usher Syndrome.

What Is Usher Syndrome? [NIH Usher Syndrome site]

Usher Syndrome only affect peripheral vision, not vision acuity but some deaf people with Usher Syndrome has poor vision acuity - not related to Usher Syndrome when you have a poor vision acuity (can treated with corrective lens like glasses, contact or LASIK). In later stage, when peripheral vision is gone (tunnel vision), they may need larger print or fonts to read - depending on clients.

I have Usher Syndrome Type II and has normal vision acuity (especially in left eye), so can read and see anything (including pictures) without glasses, but I have lazy eye on right eye (nearsightedness). Even I can still drive as well - not legally blind yet.

You have poor assume on me. :lol:
And some people give huge text to them and they cannot read the one single letter. Some of them prefer small text to read.

I so hate for my hubby's prefer to use a smallest text on his smartphone, iPad, MacBook. He show me something point at his iPad, smartphone, I told him please do zoom in the text to be big and I can read. It's drove me nuts.
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FCC Releases Internet Protocol Captioning Rules | National Association of the Deaf

The NAD is most concerned about the coverage of segments of programs taken from TV and shown online. The Senate report for the CVAA explains that the CVAA applied only to full-length programs and not video clips and outtakes. We believe that this language intended to exempt video clips that are shown on TV and are not required to be captioned on TV – such as advertisements. Representative Markey and Senator Pryor, the authors of the CVAA, sent a letter to the FCC supporting our arguments, explaining that the law intended to cover segments of programs. The FCC disagreed with us and decided that the exemption for video clips applied to segments taken from television. Under this exemption, a five minute news report from CNN and placed at would not be covered under the CVAA. The FCC however did clarify that if “substantially all” of the program is placed online, though broken up into pieces, then they are covered. We are disappointed in this huge gap in coverage and will reach out to media companies asking them to voluntarily caption video segments placed online.

Hooray! FCC Releases Television IP Captioning Rules | Coalition of Organizations for Accessible Technology

Vogler points out that video clips are not covered, unless a full-length program is cut up and substantially put on the Internet in its entirety in multiple clips. This may mean that many news sites are not covered, depending on how much of their TV program they put on the web. This is in opposition to the January 10, 2012 letter from Rep. Ed Markey and Sen. Mark Pryor (Congressional sponsors of the 21st CVAA) sent to the FCC recently.

That's old news. I have no idea if FCC has changed this particular law for news video clips or not, even though sponsors wrote letters to FCC.
CNN sucks, fox sucks
Both are so full of shit they stink.
Now a days with the net why do we need talking heads on the television or even on bloated we sights telling us what to believe. Yeah sure
You know I'd be a bit more open if it wasn't for all those wmds.... that never were ...........then again some popel really need to be lied too and really eed to believe it.
If you need to be lied too, and you need to really believe the lies then by all means cnn is your cup o tea with dash of fox it's all so transparently full of shit.
It's almost funny people still watch them. It's certainly telling.
Not for the news
Or lack of it
It's to hear the slant of what ever silly political dim wit ideology they prefer,
These days Pravda gets more things right
The worlds gone mad
Check it out. Not so much a news site, but if you want a glimpse of the monster.
Check out Cryptome