Sup old bean?


New Member
Jun 17, 2007
Reaction score
Hi, I'm excited to find a website like this, didn't really realize there was any online community for the deaf!

I like to shoot things with my camera and I take art classes. I eat things occasionally and go to the bathroom with roughly the same fequency that I eat-amazing coincidence! I support my eating and shooting with pizza delivery at a local pizza shop.

I'm a 22 year old deaf guy with a cochlear implant from Cleveland (that sounds too much like a personal ad there!).

How y'all doing today?:fingersx:
what kind CI model you have, son?

I believe it is a clairion S-series, I'm not %100 positive. At least that's what my processor says on it, heh.

I don't remember how many electrodes, but it was about 9 years ago and my parents suggested this one over the Nucleus because it had more electrodes then.
:welcome: to AD! Enjoy your stay here. :)