Suggest the best forum just like AD

There's one named PDL...Positive Diversity of Life...I'm a member (on FB)...some good and bad videos...they don't want or allow any negativisms posted tho'....:giggle:...I've almost been tarred and feathered for some of my comments....but so far I haven't been banned....:lol:
Are you allowed give links thought site owners on any forums get hump
There's one named PDL...Positive Diversity of Life...I'm a member (on FB)...some good and bad videos...they don't want or allow any negativisms posted tho'....:giggle:...I've almost been tarred and feathered for some of my comments....but so far I haven't been banned....:lol:

cool keep it up , I have lots of groups related tech offtopics , and some other silly groups i enjoy more on tech than silly ones :D
There's one named PDL...Positive Diversity of Life...I'm a member (on FB)...some good and bad videos...they don't want or allow any negativisms posted tho'....:giggle:...I've almost been tarred and feathered for some of my comments....but so far I haven't been banned....:lol:

So a group that onw allows positives almost tarred and feathered you....
I see
With positives like that, who needs the negatives.
I read about something called flaming forums,never been to them as I gather they be to colourful for me