

New Member
Dec 28, 2010
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What about having a sub-forum in deaf education for ASL students/SLP students etc.?

Then, they could post their interviews and questions there, without creating a bunch of new threads in other areas. Also, regular posters would be able to click on the thread if they choose to participate and answer the questions...

Just an idea...
Can moderators move a thread from one sub-forum to another?

I believe they can. I was thinking (although it might be a huge undertaking that may not be worth it), that the more recent threads from students could just get moved to the sub-forum.

After further reflection, it might be better put under the "Our World Our Culture" forum.

It could be for students, or anyone wanting to work with the d/Deaf community in whatever capacity...
This idea has merit on its own standing.
The real issue is the students find this website through searching, so this will never stop the influx of ASL students.

A few tricky questions with this section are:
1) Does it improve response rates?
2) Does it improve relationship between AD members and ASL students?
3) How does it change the image of AD to the public?

The moderators would be moving new ASL student threads to that section only.
Ultimately Alex will have to make the final call if he wants to add it. At the conclusion of this thread, it should be a good idea to send him a PM directly if you've felt he missed it.
I'm not trying to stop the influx of students. I think it's good they are reaching out and trying to learn more.

The challenge is when these students post a thread, and then receive a negative response to their innocent and genuine questions. I think it can give the wrong impression, and we all know that a first impression is a lasting impression.

Take this thread for example:

This poster came to gain more insight, and instead they are leaving with a bad taste in their mouth. I think this could be prevented by creating a sub forum, where posters can determine if they want to click on the link and participate. It might help to
Alleviate some of the negativity that they receive as well.

We shouldn't fault people for trying to learn more. Sure, there are situations where posters are lazy and don't do their homework. There are many though, who have limited information and are coming to learn more. We should help educate them- not run them off.
All very good points. It would likely stop the negativity they receive, from my own perspective.

I suppose the biggest question is if anybody is going to bother to want to reply to them. What do our daily members think?
After all, they are the ones doing the posting.
I'm not trying to stop the influx of students. I think it's good they are reaching out and trying to learn more.

The challenge is when these students post a thread, and then receive a negative response to their innocent and genuine questions. I think it can give the wrong impression, and we all know that a first impression is a lasting impression.

Take this thread for example:

This poster came to gain more insight, and instead they are leaving with a bad taste in their mouth. I think this could be prevented by creating a sub forum, where posters can determine if they want to click on the link and participate. It might help to
Alleviate some of the negativity that they receive as well.

We shouldn't fault people for trying to learn more. Sure, there are situations where posters are lazy and don't do their homework. There are many though, who have limited information and are coming to learn more. We should help educate them- not run them off.
that's why an agitator will get banned.
All very good points. It would likely stop the negativity they receive, from my own perspective.

I suppose the biggest question is if anybody is going to bother to want to reply to them. What do our daily members think?
After all, they are the ones doing the posting.

I would think that people might be more inclined to respond of they entered the sub-forum through their own volition. Also, I think to a certain extent it's good to respond to people if they are genuinely interested in learning more. Sure, there is a wealth of information on the forum. However, there are times when the answers are not readily available.

Like I said, just an idea.

It's painful to read some of the threads. I feel bad for people sometimes, and it would be nice if they had a place to post those type of questions without getting sh*t.
One thing I think is a common feeling among many members here is that the students look for the easiest-way-out excuse to do homework by signing up here, asking questions, and then leave. Don't bother to immerse themselves with the community, whether Deaf or deaf (and regardless of what responses they receive to their questions.) The teachers want these students to go OUT IN THE COMMUNITY and really ask these questions face-to-face, rather than asking some faceless person online that could claim they are 50, have 50 years experience being deaf, but in reality, they are a 16 year old with no college, real-life experience that they "portray" and it will give a distorted answer to the person asking questions. Is that really a better answer? No. Even my honey, who is very advanced in his ASL classes now, his teachers tell his classes NOT to go online. Do it face-to-face. Get some "real time". So that's exactly what my honey does.

I put this akin to these very some posters who have a favorite subject at hand, such as knitting, for example. To be asked about their knitting once can be fun for the knitter. To be asked daily, weekly, monthly, the same questions over and over, even at some point that said knitter is going to roll eyes at how many times they've been asked the same questions. It does get very old, especially when no effort on the part of the asker was made.
Heck, I'm not trying to argue. Jolie was the one who created the thread out of frustration out of all these students coming through and creating thread after thread after thread of the same subject. She was a mod when she made that thread.

So, I think if people are not reading her thread about "Look here first", a subforum is going to be totally moot as well.
And, CSign, I am clueless as to your concern over this. Nobody is asking YOU these questions. We here all know you are not deaf and not likely to answer any of these questionnaires. Does the very fact that people are continuing to post school homework questions bug you that much -- after all, you can just ignore them since you would not be replying to them, just as Koko said?
And, CSign, I am clueless as to your concern over this. Nobody is asking YOU these questions. We here all know you are not deaf and not likely to answer any of these questionnaires. Does the very fact that people are continuing to post school homework questions bug you that much -- after all, you can just ignore them since you would not be replying to them, just as Koko said?

You're clueless? Well let me fill you in then...

I am a part of this forum. I (for the most part) enjoy participating in this forum.

And yes, I am hearing **gasp**. I've never hidden that fact.

I don't quite understand why it would bother you so much that I made a suggestion.

That is- after all, the point of this particular forum.

You'll note at the top, "Forum Feedback and Suggestions"

As Kokonut said (although not in these words), posters can give the deaf community a bad name when people spit vileness at the screen.

Gives the wrong impression.

I'd like for the deaf community to be seen in a positive light, rather than in a negative light.
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