Hi! My name's Emily! I'm a high school senior and i'm doing my project on Deaf Culture. I chose this project after visiting my sisters college Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory NC and saw two students conversing in ASL. Immediatley I was mesmerized! I thought it was beautiful and interesting and I couldn't wait to learn more about it! Anywho I have some questions (actually I have a lot); if anyone can answer them I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advnace!![]()
1. Where you born deaf? If not how old were you when you were diagnosed & how did it happen?
2. What type of school did you go to? (Mainstream, School for the deaf)
3. Do you wear a hearing aid?
4. Do you lip read?
5. How do people react when they find out you’re deaf?
6. Would you say you interact with the hearing or deaf more?
7. How do you feel about cochlear implants?
8. Do you ever wish you could hear?
9. Do you wish more hearing people could sign?
10. Do you ever communicate orally or do you prefer to sign?
11. Do you use ASL, SEE, or any other type of signing?
12. What are your pet peeves about the hearing?
13. How does being deaf affect your other senses?
14. What kind of music do you prefer?
15. How has being deaf affected your childhood? Were there things you missed out on?
16. How do you communicate with those who don’t sign?
17. What career do you have/plan on having?
18. Are there other deaf members in your family?
19. Have you or do you attend speech therapy classes?
20. On a scale of 1-10 how supportive has your family been? (optional)
21. How often would you say you are discriminated against?
22. Do you think having a hearing 'disability' has made you more empathetic or accepting towards others with different disabilities?
23. What are some slang terms used by the deaf community?
24. Have you ever encountered a deaf person from another country? If so did you have trouble communicating with them?
25. Are you/have you ever been in a deaf-hearing relationship?
26. Are there any special tools that you use that help you in your day-to-day life?
27. Do you have a license? If given the opportunity what would you like to say to those in the hearing community who don’t think it’s safe for the deaf to drive?
28. What are some things the deaf community finds offensive that the hearing community does?
29. What are some things you love about the culture/community that you can’t find in the hearing?
30. How often do you see hearing service dogs? Do you have one?
31. What terminology should be avoided when speaking to or about a deaf person?
As we work to find out the most frequent questions, more themes will be added in here.![]()
I'm not a student, but I've been thinking about this and trying to find an un-offending way to ask about it: How can hearing person experience/simulate deafness?
For TV, the easy answer is to mute the sound.
But since most stuff on TV is hearing people saying stuff to each other, it doesn't contribute to ASL or deaf culture.
I also thought about if plugging one's ears is similar to deafness, but even if I plug my ears I can still hear my bloodstream. In the summer when I had started fingerspelling, I practiced fingerspelling underwater. You hear a lot of water but you can't hear the other person. But in either case, it isn't complete "no hearing" deafness.
I'm not a deaf wannabe, but I'm interested in experiencing deafness to understand the need for communication by ASL. I think there is something I am overlooking in ASL because I am hearing, but I also think that if I keep at it, in 4 or 5 years I will know what those things may be.
There are ways to simulate not hearing (try a Bose noise-cancelling headset) but you can never simulate the deaf experience. Unless you want to stop hearing for a few years, 24/7, go to work, school, and family get-togethers, you really won't have the same experience.I'm not a student, but I've been thinking about this and trying to find an un-offending way to ask about it: How can hearing person experience/simulate deafness?
This is strictly for personal experience, and not to garner pity from others!
For TV, the easy answer is to mute the sound.
But since most stuff on TV is hearing people saying stuff to each other, it doesn't contribute to ASL or deaf culture.
I also thought about if plugging one's ears is similar to deafness, but even if I plug my ears I can still hear my bloodstream. In the summer when I had started fingerspelling, I practiced fingerspelling underwater with a friend. You hear a lot of water but you can't hear the other person. But in either case, it isn't complete "no hearing" deafness.
I'm not a deaf wannabe, but I'm interested in experiencing deafness to understand the need for communication by ASL. I think there is something I am overlooking in ASL because I am hearing (or I am really distracted or reliant on the sounds of lips smacking, hands rubbing, and mouths aspirating), but I also think that if I keep at it, in 4 or 5 years I will know what those things may be.
Are you sure that's enough questions? :roll:Hi! My name's Emily! I'm a high school senior and i'm doing my project on Deaf Culture. I chose this project after visiting my sisters college Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory NC and saw two students conversing in ASL. Immediatley I was mesmerized! I thought it was beautiful and interesting and I couldn't wait to learn more about it! Anywho I have some questions (actually I have a lot); if anyone can answer them I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advnace!....
I know some hearing people have custom earmolds made for sleeping. Maybe that is similar.
I am a graphic designer and at the moment I am looking at developing a project in relation to representing visually the sounds present in everyday environments.
I want to create animations over the top of video footage that creates a visual 'soundscape' which both reflects origin and type of sounds and their dominance/volume in a space.
The kind of environments I would like to focus on are those of the everyday, for example, the kitchen at home, a garden, a coffee shop, the street etc.
My hope for the project is that it would help to communicate, without words, these sounds to deaf people.
However, I appreciate there are some basic questions I have to address first, 2 of which are:
- Would this visualization of everyday sounds be something that a deaf person would want or be interested in?
- If so are there any specific environments or sounds that you would be interested in seeing?
Any opinions or advice anyone could offer me would be really useful to me and very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!![]()
I'm doing an assignment on hearing aids/cochlear implants. If you're reading this and have either, would you mind answering? I need 3 people to answer. Thanks
1. How long have you worn your hearing aids?
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss?
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids?
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?
1. When did you have the surgery to get your cochlear implant?
2. After you were implanted, how long did it take before you were able to see benefit
from the implant?
3. What situations are best for listening with your implant?
4. What situations are hardest for you when listening with your implant?
5. What complaints do you have about your cochlear implant?
6. Do you feel like your cochlear implant has lived up to what your audiologist and/or
surgeon told you it would do?
7. Do you think you do better with the implant as compared to when you had hearing
Credit for at least trying to put it in the right place!
Those questions are in at least three thread by your classmates in the last week, so I suggest you just read those and use the answers.
This applies to anyone else who chooses to put a repetitive , oft answered survey in this thread!![]()
Do you welcome students, and can we marry one of you???
Why is this so funny?!![]()
Are you one of the hearing who have arrived in our midst seeking a deaf mate?
Otherwise, this is sort of meant for serious questions that students were unable to find an answer by searching the previous posts in the forum.