Students accused of stealing 30 iPads from school


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Apr 5, 2004
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Students accused of stealing 30 iPads from school
Students accused of stealing 30 iPads from school | Crime | Jackson County News

Two Newport High School students are accused of stealing dozens of iPad 2s from the school district.

According to Lt. Patrick Weatherford with the Newport Police Department, the criminal investigations division was contacted on Wednesday, April 4, regarding a burglary at the junior and senior high schools.

Thirty Apple iPad 2 tablet computers, valued at $600 each, were reportedly stolen along with a Macbook Pro and a charging cart for the computers. The estimated value of the items was approximately $22,000.

On Thursday, April 5, officers arrested two 9th grade boys, ages 14 and 16. Because of their ages, police are not revealing their identity.

The suspects were taken to the White River Juvenile Detention Center to await a scheduled detention hearing.
I believe that they got caught because it is possible for IT administrators who worked in school, they can try track down IP addresses or MAC address. I supposed that is how they got caught. I think they wrote down MAC addresses in case of theft.
Possible. It's also possible that they located the iPads via "Find My iPad" service that included in iPad.
Ha Ha!

Two boys better get up 5:00 am every mornings at Boot Camp.
I believe that they got caught because it is possible for IT administrators who worked in school, they can try track down IP addresses or MAC address. I supposed that is how they got caught. I think they wrote down MAC addresses in case of theft.

Yep, they traced IPS in the Ipad2 and Macbook computers.. IPS Internet Position System just like a GPS locator.

I saw the news in my local area, they caught a Ipad2 thieve, the owner already have Iphone, called police and show the police for target of thieve's location by the IPS.

It's only works on WiFi on Ipad2 and Macbook Pro. the "Offline" does not work to detecting the IPS.
IPS - are you talking about this:


Edit to add: Sorry for bad image, it was taken with cellular phone.