Student terp needs ideas for ASL 1 tutoring!

The game I have is older.

I have another question. We have a sign club for the ITP students and I became president this year. I'd really like to get some things going. For Christmas we through a Christmas party for all the mainstreamed students to come together and it was pretty fun. We're trying to think of some things to do to get people more interested and excited about it as a few of us are. We also need to figure out how to raise attendence at our meetings. Any suggestions of activites? Anyone had any experience like this before.?

I'd also like to figure out things to do when we go to local high schools and promote the program. No one has ever done that with the club before, and I think it's more than time to.
Another game we played in my early ASL classes was the instructor would tape a picture to each of our backs, then we went to different students and asked "yes/no" questions to try and figure what our picture was.
I was president of the GSA when I was in high school as well as vice pres of the college GSA. Doing PR and promotions was like my favourtie thing ever. Youve gotta keep it fun and crazy. On National Coming Out Day we made a giant gardboard "closet" with a door and took poloriads of people coming out of it. We gave away condoms on sticks that looked like lollipops.

Think of things that will attract your general population. Free food is always good. Offer snacks at your meetings, or have a pizza party once a month. Check out Legend of the Mountain Man is rated PG and appropriate. There is no audio and it is 100% in ASL but you can turn subtitles on. Or even get cheesy and play Signing Time videos!

Can you have a table set up once a week in the commons? Make your display eye catching. Offer coupons for a free soda if they come to a meeting. Highlight cool facts, like the pay scale for a terp- things to catch their eye.

Talk to teachers, see who would be willing to give extra credit to people attending.

During "Awareness Weeks" we would always get a long list of facts and have one read each morning over the intercom during announcements. Once again, attention getting things are the best. (Interesting Facts About People Who Are Deaf - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Prepare a few short plays/skits and perform them at lunch time or after school.

Bring in guest speakers from the deaf community once youve got a higher attendance rate (this is the time when free food is helpful, lol) but once they get started, people pay attention.

Thats all ive got right now lol. Good luck to you :)
I was president of the GSA when I was in high school as well as vice pres of the college GSA. Doing PR and promotions was like my favourtie thing ever. Youve gotta keep it fun and crazy. On National Coming Out Day we made a giant gardboard "closet" with a door and took poloriads of people coming out of it. We gave away condoms on sticks that looked like lollipops.

Think of things that will attract your general population. Free food is always good. Offer snacks at your meetings, or have a pizza party once a month. Check out Legend of the Mountain Man is rated PG and appropriate. There is no audio and it is 100% in ASL but you can turn subtitles on. Or even get cheesy and play Signing Time videos!

Can you have a table set up once a week in the commons? Make your display eye catching. Offer coupons for a free soda if they come to a meeting. Highlight cool facts, like the pay scale for a terp- things to catch their eye.

Talk to teachers, see who would be willing to give extra credit to people attending.

During "Awareness Weeks" we would always get a long list of facts and have one read each morning over the intercom during announcements. Once again, attention getting things are the best. (Interesting Facts About People Who Are Deaf - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Prepare a few short plays/skits and perform them at lunch time or after school.

Bring in guest speakers from the deaf community once youve got a higher attendance rate (this is the time when free food is helpful, lol) but once they get started, people pay attention.

Thats all ive got right now lol. Good luck to you :)

Thanks for the helpful tips! Keep em comin! :wave: