Student sues Airlines over missing Xbox360

$1,000,000x2009 Subaru Impreza WRX STi=25 of them.
$1,000,000xbrand new penthouse condo=1
1,000,000 x 199.99 of Xbox 360 Arcade= 5,000 consoles :roll:
1,000,000 x 299.99 of Xbox 360 Pro= 3,333 consoles :roll:
1,000,000 x 399.99 of Xbox 360 Elite= 2,500 consoles :roll:
1,000,000 x Big Mac with fries/drpepper from McDonalds= 200,400 :roll:

$1,000,000x2009 Subaru Impreza WRX STi=25 of them.
$1,000,000xbrand new penthouse condo=1

#1 - Not correct... Person will not take $1 million. They have to pay lawyer, court fee and tax. Probably end up about $400,000 to 525,000.

#2 - do not forget to add sales tax (depend where you live in your state)

#3 - Not correct in math (final $$$ x worth = how many sets)
Correct in math (Final $$$ = worth (plus sales tax) x how many sets) or (Final $$$ / worth(plus sales tax) = how many sets)
#1 - Not correct... Person will not take $1 million. They have to pay lawyer, court fee and tax. Probably end up about $400,000 to 525,000.

#2 - do not forget to add sales tax (depend where you live in your state)

#3 - Not correct in math (final $$$ x worth = how many sets)
Correct in math (Final $$$ = worth (plus sales tax) x how many sets) or (Final $$$ / worth(plus sales tax) = how many sets)

Where's source?
Sitting back and thinking about this more. I feel that the judge will see this as a frivolous lawsuit. Depends on where he lives is going to allow the maximum statutes of the amount he can receive on certain lawsuits. I am sure no judge will award him that amount. He probaby will get the cost of the X box itself, court cost.

Unless the judge finds the Airport of negligent, then the judge may award him an amount for punitive.

But I sincerely, honestly doubt this kid will get the full amount.
Dumb of Yale Student for losing Xbox 360. I wonder if he is using cheap "Dollar Store" quality luggages? If I were him, I would carry it to airplane and load it into overhead luggage box just like every biz men do to their precious laptops.

#1 - Not correct... Person will not take $1 million. They have to pay lawyer, court fee and tax. Probably end up about $400,000 to 525,000.

#2 - do not forget to add sales tax (depend where you live in your state)

#3 - Not correct in math (final $$$ x worth = how many sets)
Correct in math (Final $$$ = worth (plus sales tax) x how many sets) or (Final $$$ / worth(plus sales tax) = how many sets)

Yes, that's perfect sense. Lot of people think they'll get straight amt.. NOT!!

your math is more of hindsight of what would happen in REAL life.

Same true to Will.. If one dies, family members got to be aware that they won't be getting 100% of $$$$. I believe it'll be around 1/2 to 1/3 :eek: in real life. I've seen that too many times.

So If you are expecting lot of money, don't expect it.

Yes, that's perfect sense. Lot of people think they'll get straight amt.. NOT!!

same for lottery.

Lottery Won: $250 million
The look on their faces when IRS comes knocking to collect tax from lottery: PRICELESS

Ok, it does seems too much because of have to pay big fee.

You will learn new something from lawyer's fee.
WORLDLawDirect - Contingency lawyer fees

Go down to see "How much is the Contingency Fee?"
Contingency Fee Lawyers

That's why I have experience from 3 different cases from lawsuit. 3 different lawyers are similar same policy (30 to 33 1/3 percent). No way to find lower fee unless your brother/sister or cousin or father works as lawyer. My two cousins works as lawyer but not in our state. I can't have lawyer from other state.
The lawyers are greedy! :-P

So- if a guy wins, and pays off the fees, I bet he will use money left to pay off student loans? :) He is a Yale student.
The lawyers are greedy! :-P

So- if a guy wins, and pays off the fees, I bet he will use money left to pay off student loans? :) He is a Yale student.

No, Yale students is greedy!!! He asked for $1 million dollars. Lawyer tried harder to win in court for Yale student.