Student, 15, Suspended For Passing Gas

Gosh I know kids who could've got kicked outta school when I was younger if this was the case!! Better start teaching Adam now not to fart at school... just hold his butt and run to the bathroom to do it!!! HOW stupid to suspend him from the bus...
I think suspension would just add incentive to fart if i were in school. (Farts and shuts the door to the principle office on my way out) :giggle:
He needs a bigger whoopee cushion

LOL... there are some real idiots in the education system now... Glad I'm out of school!

Someone once left a whoopie cushion on my chair at school and I sat on it... a little embarrassing, but no one died! I didn't see it!

Kids at my school let off a stink bomb once... smelly, but just a prank.

I guess they're not allowed to grow up anymore? :hmm: