"Storm Stories"


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Apr 18, 2003
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I had seen that "quote" from the tv channel which is weather channel. I am wondering if anyone have BAD experience with any type of storm including thunderstorm.

I have 2 of my own.

I live in Rhode Island and was living in Providence all my life. At age (around) 13, I moved to Warwick. About a week later after moving, there was lighting storm. I didn't really give a fk and sat down to watch tv. Anyway, after crazy thunderstorm.. I was like lil pissed and confused with the tv being lined red. I thought to myself, thats not normal. A few minutes later, I saw/heard sirens from hospital trucks, fire trucks, and police stopping at the house next door. I didnt realized it was from the thunderstorm until a sister (who knows signs) told me that the lighting had hit them and it was in the baby room. The baby was not in the room which was thank god... they all were in another room when it was being hit.

:shock: to know that the lighting COULD have hit me because I was only few yards away from that room and couldn't bear to know that I could get hit for real this time.

Another story was, I was going home with a friend who brings me there and back to church. After finishing and going back home... I freaked out and so did everyone in the car because we were in highway and the lighting had hit right front of us. We didnt hit right into it. Ugh!

Now with every storm coming which there is 1 coming on tuesday, tomorrow and I will not be able to bear though it until its over. *Sigh*

You got 1 bad experience or close call?
Oh yeah... my parents' home has a lot of trees in front and back yard, and one tree in front yard got struck by a lightning in a thunderstorm. No one got injured or anything. I was away to school. When I got home, I noticed that the tree got all black and torn up. I was like WTF?! I asked my parents what happened and they told me. WOW!

In St. Louis, MO, I got struck by a tornado once when I was like 5 years old. The roof of the school got blown off and it was awesome to see the mess!! Haha! No one got injured that time, because the housekeepers warned everyone to go to the basement, where the art classroom is, and there we waited. It was freaky that time, but in the morning, it's AWESOME!
I been thru thunderstorms and earthquakes, but this one storm stood out, i was visiting a freind for the first time at her home, and whilist being there we had thunderstorms going on, i was aware of it, but made me leery cuz i didn t know if it was going to hit n ear us or anything whilist we were at her home watching tv the pwer went out and my friend relize her computer was on so we ran upstiars and i pah met her mom IN THE DARK what a impression i got! LOL!
i remmy
when i was in 7th grade, my friends and i made fun of God and Jesus Christ until the dark clouds came. we looked out the window and were like, "what the fu? we should stop..." BOOM! the lighting just boomed. the school blacked out!
We had a bad thunderstorm and strong winds raging in my area when I was 12. It was bad enough to be shown on Telemundo. They also showed my house.
one time did happen to my friend. he was stand outside by grage. He was play radio control remotel car.. He was not expect thunder did come hit by the tree. he is just stand right there tree. I can feel like shot gun. I mean it is very fuck loud!!! I could get shock and black out but i didn't.. by the way my friend is allright. I think it is funny cuz he is freak out and will never outside again during bad weather again.
When I was living at my parents, I was up in my room which is next to my dads large radio antenna (shield, you remember that antenna?) Next thing I know, I see a huge glow from that tower and the loudest explosion and vibration. The tower got hit and i was only a few feet away.
umm storm, ahh *shrugs* nothing really bad around here but tornando close call, 5 miles away torando hit that town, i remember seeing the swirl thingie its badass
Originally posted by t e d d y
umm storm, ahh *shrugs* nothing really bad around here but tornando close call, 5 miles away torando hit that town, i remember seeing the swirl thingie its badass
*pouts* I wanna witness a tornado. From a few mile distance though.
in Minnesota, during my college year. I was in apt to rest and saw torando warning, I was so paniic myself because I never had a expereince myself to safety. so I watch very close and look at windows make sure it is nothing happen to me, but it was different direction. than god
Originally posted by ShEiLdTaLiSmAn
u stay there overnight????

My deaf institution (CID) had a dormitory in the same building. Old building actually. I was on the fourth floor sleeping when the tornado alarm went off. :o Good thing we ran all the way down the stairs as fast as we can!