Stop. Staring. At. Me.


New Member
Oct 24, 2012
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Seriously, I'm so sick of getting stares from people. Every time I have a conversation with a friend in public, people would stare at me because of my "accent" or my technologies pertaining to my hearing loss (like cochlear implants). Sometimes they would come up to me and ask me if I'm mentally retarded or something, or freak out when I tell them that I'm deaf hence my "accent."

It's not a matter of preventing stares; it is how you deal with the stares or what do you do in response to people staring at you?

One time, I was on bus with my friend and we were having a conversation. As usual, people across from me stared at me and when I was looking back at them, they would look nervous and dart their eyes away. I mean, "could you f*cking stop staring at me?"

I understand it's completely natural for humans to be curious hence the reason for staring at people with disabilities, but I'm talking about the situations in which people BLATANTLY stare at you. These people would keep staring at you even when you acknowledge it, and it just makes you feel uncomfortable.

In my nursing class, there's this girl that I haven't met and yet she would stare at me whenever she gets the chance. One time, I was talking to a person (of course, my voice is loud) and I felt something behind I turned around, only to find this girl staring at me. I mean could you just stop?????????
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Well....:giggle:...laugh and give them a big "wink"...and say "how do you do"?...People are always gonna stare if it "different" to them...even tho; it's bad manners to stare....don't see any way you can stop it...but be sarascatic towards them....And smile "so sweetly" when you do...most times they will be embarrassed and leave you alone.....If they don;t...then they might be a stalker or something.
It's just part of having a disability. It comes with the territory. I sign with my friends in public and get stares. I just ignore them and move on like they aren't there. Let them stare. I get the same thing with my voice too whenever I talk to my mother since she doesn't know signs. One person came up to her asking her if I am from another country.

I just shrug since there's nothing I can do to change my disability. Learn to live with it and move on. Don't let it get to you.
Thanks for your answers. So how do you deal with comments people throw at you?
Sometimes when I find people staring at me, I would think, "oooo I'm so attractive!" lol (I'm not).
It's natural for the public to do that..maybe it's because of the appearance, there could be creepy people out there or people are curious. The best thing is to ignore them and carry on with whatever you're doing. We all know it is rude to stare at people but there isn't much you can do except just to ignore them.
If they make comments, you could politely ask is there a problem and if they are not comfortable, its not about you... people should not judge you. :)

Thanks for your answers. So how do you deal with comments people throw at you?
I had this happen to me when I was at a shoe store , a salesman was staring at the whole time because of my 'accent' and I talk loud . I just looked back at him , my daughter and granddaughter was with me so I could not say anything to the guy. If someone come to you again and asked if you're retarded you could just say " No , but I know for a fact that you're very rude or whatever else you can think of .
depends on where. if they are cute its easy, if in a bar easy, i dunno stare back, make a face, show them your boobs, what ever
be strong
laughter is the best way. really allot of the time is not hostile so use laughter...
When they blink shout really loud and laugh and say "Ha Ha, I win!!"
I tend to speak loud at times too. I have asked my family or the person I am out with to give me a sign to let me know my voice is too loud.

Maybe they are looking at you because your super cute, you never know. If they stare when you are signing, they may just be really impressed.
Get a shirt with pictures of cars with turbocharged engine. That would be a great opportunity to show the world that vehicles with turbocharged engine are the best thing ever!!!!