It was HOT and H*U*M*I*D yesterday... I did complain to 'Gatsu about how the sun was scourching and I cannot put on my sunscreen because it MELTED (I kept it in my car... bad idea!).
Suddenly, the humidity turned into precipitation and it broke out into rainy thunderstorms. During nighttime, my husband was awaken by the lightnings' flashes. They were too close. I did hear the thunders throughout the night since my bed is postioned in front of the window and like I said-- they were TOO close. My curtains weren't pitch-black enough to block out the flashes so I had to wear a sleepmask! My husband couldn't sleep because he was a tad nervous about the thunderstorms. He woke up at 2am and finally came back to bed at 4am. This is a first in quite a while for major thunderstorms to be *in* San Diego the city, instead of having the lightnings faraway in the eastern mountains.
This morning, it was rather warm-- I did reconsider my attire (a sweatshirt over a long-sleeve tee) since the news say it will reach over 85 today... but I think I will keep my sweater on because the AC at my university is on all the times.
I like mornings better because they are bearable-- not too cold, not too hot. But once the noon sun hits, the fan is on.
The humidity for today in San Diego is 61% .... I wondered what it was yesterday.