Alright, I becane to understand abt this guy Steve "Coc Hunter" Sorry can't spell full name "Coc" lol but anyway, just want to say something abt it...
At first that time I remmy seeing him on TV, oh maybe last yr or whenever that was and I did not like the way he doing with wildlife at all.....but till his death, I started to watch his show... Ah!! No woneder, now I understand why he doing that was cuz, he cared so much abt wildlife all around... EARTH and now he is gone... but do not CRY FOR HIM AT ALL.. But cry for all wildlife!! He is doing that on purposed for very good reason to show by meaning to SAVE WILDLIFE!!! Cuz in near future there may not be enough left for all to see!!! Too many happened to poor animals as well as for Wolf for which why I love Wolf cuz they are very near exist in near future if that keep up killing them!! Sighs... that was why that Steve was trying to tell us to help the wildlife by save them!! I do not want to see them to be gone and yet there are more billion, million whatever that counting ppl on earth are going to be soon crowing and may not have anymore animals left! Man, I hate to see that happened to them as I am animal lover that goes for wolf!!! I love them to death. When I die, I want to be wolf so I can be prectice (sp, geez sorry!) them from anymore killings!! That idiots farmers!!! GRRRR I am really pissed off at them for this happened so now they have killing Stingray or whatever that spelling that kill Steve... up to 10 as u all know that got me pissed off so bad that I can't stand the way ppl have treated them so bad! They are more like us.......they do have spirit!!!
*Sights* that something I cannot stand it much longer and wanna to kill myself so I don't want to feel bad abt it! Oh well......
