SB_GB_4ever said:
deafdyke said:
I get that a lot too......I am DEAF. I can't modulate my voice for crying out loud! I hate having a deaf voice.
Dont ever say that i am hearing and i love deaf voices. They are cute and [have] a special tone to them. One of the things i would miss the most is my girlfriends voice.
I feel the same about that.
ksbsnowowl said:
I actually asked my fiancee this back when we first met (she's deaf). But this stereotype does actually have logic behind it.
In some areas (specifically the State of Missouri, where I am from) it is illegal to drive while one has on headphones (such as from a walkman or ipod). The reason? It blocks more of your hearing of the events around you than does your car radio (assuming it's being played at a reasonable volume.) Although hearing is not required for one to opperate a car, you cannot deny that in some circumstances being able to hear what's going on around you can prevent accidents (such as when you are backing out of a parking spot and failed to see an approaching vehicle; he honks and you stop before hitting him).
Thus, logic would indicate that since the law does not allow one to be opperating a car while they are effectively eliminating their hearing, it would be illegal for one who cannot hear to drive as well.
I too asked this same question to my girlfriend when we met. If it is illegal to wear headphones and in a sense be "deaf" to the outside noises... then it would only make sense to have the law be "equal" for all parties involved. I would totally rock my headphones if it was legal
Also, I am hearing and I can't remember the last time I actually paid attention to someone blaring their horn. Horns are too overused to be of any good use.
Side question...
How come deaf drivers get a tag on their license that says they have a hearing problem? ( I know this doesn't apply to all states ) I don't remember getting a hearing test before getting my license
... Seems unfair in my honest opinion.
As for my favorite assumptions, from the hearing world... I will have to go with:
Deaf people cannot drive (because if you can't hear then you can't steer
CI's make you hear perfectly (ofcourse untrue, if your hearing and wish to hear a simulation then go to )
and my all time favorite... which doesn't really apply to deaf people only is...
If you can sign, or understand sign, then you must be deaf... I have heard plenty of people say things about me and my girlfriend when we are just walking around
I let them know that is very untrue, very quickly.