Stem cell scientists warn against fraudulent treatments


New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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Very important! Because I know there's a couple of guys here that keeps claiming that stem cell will cure deafness... and show stories of deaf people cured:

"Leading scientists are warning people to beware of costly, unproven stem cell therapies that have little or no benefit and may be dangerous.

Many with devastating illnesses are mortgaging their homes and borrowing huge sums of money for treatments, which are often performed outside the United States to avoid its safety regulations.

Scientists worry that such therapies could harm people by leading to cancers and other complications.

"It's really the 21st century version of snake oil," said Dr. Arnold Kriegstein, director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UC San Francisco."

"As soon as you scratch the surface, you realize that what they're claiming in their literature or what they tell you about, doesn't make sense," he said. "There's this notion that stem cells are in some way magic cells that can treat anything if you just deliver them into the body. That's pseudoscience and make-believe."

Stem cell scientists warn against fraudulent treatments - San Jose Mercury News

Sounds familiar? That "injection of stem cells" into blood curing a woman's deafness? Baloney.
Note that even using your own stem cell can be risky:

"It can be risky even to use a patient's own stem cells, the website notes. After the cells are removed from the body, they could become contaminated with bacteria or viruses that cause diseases when they are injected back into the body. If they are grown in a culture, they may lose the normal mechanisms that control growth or may lose the ability to specialize into the cell types the patient needs."
This is exactly why I am waiting for FDA approval of such treatments - and keeping updated on the real research. I don't want any money of mine going towards a scam. Here's more information from 60 minutes about stem cells being 21st century snake oil:

21st Century Snake Oil - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Unbelievable. :eek3:
People would do well to be warned not to put all of their hopes and dreams in unproven treatments.