Stem Cell research

Deaf culture will never go away.

I want it to work for other people to survive through like diabetes and people like Christropher Reeve.
Weirdo said:
Deaf culture will never go away.

I want it to work for other people to survive through like diabetes and people like Christropher Reeve.

I echo that, Weirdo!
Magatsu said:
1) Incompetent Bush does not support the stem cell research at all (even though in California, stem research bill passed) and...
President Bush does not support using federal money to pay for stem cell research. Researchers can continue their work; they just can't use our tax dollars to pay for it.

2) historically, there is no cure for deafness, blindness, etc. ...
Some hearing and vision can be restored or improved using surgery (CI, cataract and laser eye surgery) or external prosthesis (hearing aids, FM system, eyeglasses, contact lenses). But there are many differenct causes of deafness and blindness (birth defects, genetics, disease, injury, environment), so there will never be one "cure-all" for all situations.

If humans are ment to hear, why then does God create the deafness?
God created man and woman perfect. But sin entered the world environment and humanity thru Adam and Eve's disobedience to God. That sin in the body causes each subsequent generation to deteriate, or "devolve". That is the cause of hereditary deafness. Also, our environment is devolving (getting worse), so more environmental factors cause loss of hearing (exposure to loud noises, diseases that cause high fevers). Then, as bodies and natural defenses become weaker, it is easier for birth defects to happen (rubella), and for chemical interactions to destroy hearing (side effects of medicines).

Therefore, God did not create deafness, but deafness occurred as a result of natural consequences of sin in the world.

This does not mean any one Deaf individual is being "punished" by God for sin. It just means that we all live in imperfect bodies, on an imperfect planet, and deafness is just one of the results.

Why not He remove the 'loopholes' when he created us? In other words, there is a reason for deafness, it is all about acceptance.
Regardless of the physical or medical reason for deafness, God can use that deafness in a person's life in a positive way.

If you want to define your life based on other people who judged you because of your deafness, I pity you. I truly do. Flash news: No matter what you are or who you are, people WILL judge you.
Matgatsu, you are absolutely right. People do judge each other. Judging someone just because that person is deaf is WRONG.

BUT judging someone's attitude is natural because we expect each person to control his/her attitude. A negative, chip-on-the-shoulder, criticize-the-world, "woe is me" attitude will only attract more criticism and negative judgment from other people. A positive attitude will attract respect and support.
Hey Im a republican i cant support democrats because they keep taking my money outta my paycheck. If Democrats would focus on importaint stuff like stem cell research,Stop getting on the abortion issues and make gay marrages illegal, keeping our country safe from another terrorist attack and keep the military strong and most of all STOP RAISING TAXES! Id Vote for them.
Therefore, God did not create deafness, but deafness occurred as a result of natural consequences of sin in the world.

Are you saying that even if it came from illness that it is a sin? How did diseases come as a result of sin? If sin didn't enter, then everything would be all dandy like heaven? That's hard to imagine.
I just wanted to point out something that many people have missed in that article regarding the woman who can now walk (I've seen it posted elsewhere and very few people are picking up on it).

During a press conference, the scientists said they had last month transplanted multi-potent stem cells from umbilical cord blood to the 37-year-old female patient suffering from a spinal cord injury and she can now walk on her own.

The stem cells did not come from embryos.

The great political/sientific/religious/moral debates in the last 10 years or so have been regarding embryonic stem cell research.

I don't think you can blame George Bush for not wanting to take cells from a fetus. The umbilical cord is another issue all together and I've never heard Bush say he was against that.
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Therefore, God did not create deafness, but deafness occurred as a result of natural consequences of sin in the world.

And Theres JESUS! Plenty people sinned. And god makes them sick! The jews didnt want the sick in their spas so they have guards to keep the sick away from their spas. Jews feel if youre sick you must have sinned to deserve to be sick. Thats where jesus came in to heal the sick.Jesus Comes to heal the sick so they can go out and enjoy themselves again. Thats why jews were so outraged about jesus and thats why they asked pontius pilate to kill jesus.

But Today scientist and medical doctors finding ways to over come your sickness and thats where politics come in just like the jews didnt want jesus to override gods punishment for you but today politicans will sometimes put a stop to stuff like stem cell research like president bush is doing. I think god for the state of california to go ahead and resume stem cell reseach.
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Reba said:
Regardless of the physical or medical reason for deafness, God can use that deafness in a person's life in a positive way.

What is a postive way about God use that deafness ?
What is a postive way about God use that deafness ?

I think that is for individual to think about. Not everyone's purpose is the same. Come on, do you think Reba knows God's answers to your own deafness? That's unless God assigns Reba to relay his message to you through her.
TiaraPrincess said:
Are you saying that even if it came from illness that it is a sin? How did diseases come as a result of sin?
When God created the world, the Garden of Eden, Adam, and Eve, they were all perfect. The people, the land, the animals, the weather, all perfect. No sin touched the world. But then, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and that was sin. God had to punish that sin. That meant death entered the world. Death for people, death for animals, death for the land. Each generation became physically and mentally weaker, and died younger. The climate became worse. Man began to kill animals, and had to struggle to survive. Because people's bodies are weaker now, it is easier for disease to enter and impact health. Now, doctors and medicine can keep our weak bodies alive longer, but sometimes that is a negative effect. People with genetic weaknesses used to die young, before they could give birth to weak children. Now, the doctors help them stay alive longer, so they can marry and have children. That is good for them, but bad for the next generation, which carries more recessive weak genes. It is a vicious cycle.

That does not mean that everyone is sick or deaf because they did a sin. It is just a natural consequence of wrong behavior. If someone shoots up heroin, that person might get hepititis and die from liver disease.

Sometimes sin directly affects an innocent person's health. For example, if a pregnant mother abuses alcohol, her baby will be born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

If sin didn't enter, then everything would be all dandy like heaven? That's hard to imagine.
Yes, that is hard to imagine because we are all used to a world that is full of sin, hate, and destruction. We never personally experienced the perfect world in the Garden of Eden. But that perfect world did exist, a long time ago, and it will exist again in the future, after God destroys the old world and creates the new one. Heaven is still perfect, because sin cannot enter Heaven.
Y said:
What is a postive way about God use that deafness ?
He already has, such as in AD. Many of the AD Deaf posters have been a blessing to other people seeking help.

God also uses Deaf people to influence other people's hearts, to teach people how to become more sensitive and accepting of people with differences.
TiaraPrincess said:
I think that is for individual to think about. Not everyone's purpose is the same. Come on, do you think Reba knows God's answers to your own deafness? That's unless God assigns Reba to relay his message to you through her.
You are right. God uses each person individually, if they let Him.

I for sure do not have all the answers for each person. I don't even have all the answers for myself. I just try to present some general principles, with specific examples, of what God says and does. It is up to each person to apply those to his/her life.

I am definitely NOT St. Reba, or Prophet Reba. ;) Just a believer and student of God's Word.
There is this verse in the old testament. it is in the book of Exodus, verse 4:10.
"Who made people so they can speak or not speak, hear or not hear, see or not see, is it not I, the LORD.
That proves that God has a plan for everybody. He doesn't make everybody the same. O Reba, even in the Garden of Eden, that wasn't perfect either, Adam and Eve sinned too. He didn't make us humans to be perfect.
Taylor said:
I don't think you can blame George Bush for not wanting to take cells from a fetus. The umbilical cord is another issue all together and I've never heard Bush say he was against that.
JesKlu said:
O Reba, even in the Garden of Eden, that wasn't perfect either, Adam and Eve sinned too. He didn't make us humans to be perfect.
God made the Garden, Adam and Eve perfect. After Adam and Eve sinned, they were not perfect. It was their sin that destroyed the perfection. God created Adam in His (God's) own image, so of course that was perfect.

It is like a glass of pure water. The water was pure and perfect, but if you add a spoonful of dirt, the whole water becomes contaminated.
Yeah, I think that Bush isn't against the umbilical cord. I think that maybe Bush is afraid that people will abuse it if we start funding umbilical cord stem search research. Once you give in to one thing, then people may want more which might lead to abuse of these studies. I like the umbilical cord idea because it's not killing anything. It's amazing what your own cord can do ;).
He probably n=knew they would sin anyway.

Well, it was one of God's Angel that rebelled against Him which created the underworld. I don't think it exists that way like Hell with fire, but more like it's everywhere if you let it get to you. Boy, it's complicated! I think God created Free Will. Think about it. Why would we need a God if we wouldn't have sin? God gives you chances after chances. Blah! I lost my thoughts or maybe it's hard to listen to my thoughts. It comes in and leaves rapidly. *sigh* breathe in breath out....
Reba said:
You are right. God uses each person individually, if they let Him.
Okay, God... help me slap everyone when the time is right! :slap:
TiaraPrincess said:
I think that is for individual to think about. Not everyone's purpose is the same. Come on, do you think Reba knows God's answers to your own deafness? That's unless God assigns Reba to relay his message to you through her.

You're right that no one has the same purpose....

However, I already knew some answers for myself
but i just wanted to ask for the feedback from Reba...
She is one of few people with good,
simple and brief answers. I love her postings !
I love her answers ! Tiaraprincess, I like your postings
from another perspective. Thanks anyway....

Hmm, I even have a few jokes about this:

"Being deafness is quite blessing for being un-able to hear
these Fart sounds" (haha)
