steal from the person above game !

^ steal all of ur video games to be mine
^ steal all of ur video games to be mine so i wont be boring
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Steal 2007 mustang car in Detroit and razor fei ku's home.
steal sillycat's dish bowl and sell it on Amazon. ;)

lol @ Steel... *steals Steel's signature banner and burn it. :giggle:
^steal ur angel smile face so i can use it to make myself look innocent lol
^^Steals Fei Ku's Manga books, anime related stuff and throws into a big bonfire to destroy them. ;)
*stealing Sweetheart away from Seq*...:giggle:
Steal darkflare's glasses and send to fei ku's home.
Steal FeistyChick's car and drive to Cleveland then meet Angel and RR :D
steals a ride in FiestyChick's car and when Pacman leaves the car, I steal the carkeys away from him and drive off.