I finished my BSL Level One course last night. Will find out next week whether I have passed or not. I've already signed up to do Level Two in January. Onwards and upwards!
I finished my BSL Level One course last night. Will find out next week whether I have passed or not. I've already signed up to do Level Two in January. Onwards and upwards!
Good luck AJWSmith! I hope you pass so can go Level 2 straight away.
Edit: How did 101, 102 and 103 exam go?
I'm really pleased to announce that my wife and I passed our BSL Level 1 exam
Thanks for you best wishes Speedy Hawk
I am doing the BSL course accredited by ABC, not Signature, so I haven't done the 101, 102 or 103 exams. We are continually assessed (I had to write a brief account of what I learned for each and every class) and had four exams spread throughout the course or assessments as they were called. Two BSL dialogues, 1 receptive test and 1 productive test when you sign for two minutes making sure that you covered all the criteria (use of numbers; past, present & future tenses; express positives & negatives; fingerspelling and such like).
I watched one of these yesterday - 'Departure Lounge'. I understood parts of the BSL dialogue, but needed the subtitles to get the whole meaning.
The one called 'My Song' is an absolute tearjerker. I've posted a thread about 'My Song' elsewhere in AD.
This is my favorite BSL vlog. I was trying to understand BSL and the fingerspelling were way too fast for me. Lucky me, it is subtitled.
Four Deaf Yorkshiremen - YouTube
There is number 2 version too, I think came out last year.
They are sooooo funny.