Star Trek fans? Anyone?

oooooh, I saw previews and wanted to see; hubby at first didn't. Now he reads many good things about it and is interested!
Hint: Pon Farr -- Once every seven years is highly illogical. I can't blame the guy. ;)

I haven't bought the book yet. I heard that it has more details. The villian could have been more fleshed out and some background details could be from Trek X: Nemesis. It's been a few years since I've seen that one. Enough details for now. Need to 'regenerate', so it's back to my alcove. :)
:wave: John. Come out, come out, whereever you are. :laugh2: Got it, :ty:.

I like to go see a movie about 15 minutes before it ends. This way I stay and watch the movie from the beginning to the end without suspense. :giggle: Cuz I know how it ends. I just enjoy the show and relax.

I did not go see Star Trek movie this past Sunday night to be able to stay home and watch Celebrity Apprentice TV show. What a waste was the season finale. Now, I go see Star Trek a night this week and never ever watch a Donald Trump TV show. Rigged, fixed, crooked!
Good movie, better book

I'm back..... for a few minutes anyway. I don't get online after work because I can't see straight. Walking outside for eight hours in 90+ degree heat will do that to a guy.

Bought the book when it came out Tuesday and finished it last night. There's no connection to Trek X: Nemesis.There was some more info from Older Spock and Scotty. With a few extra lines of dialogue, they could have cleared up some of the confusion I had watching the film. Still want to see it again at IMAX this weekend. Wish this new crew was on TV instead of waiting two years for the next film.
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Bought the book when it came out Tuesday and finished it last night. There's no connection to Trek X: Nemesis.There was some more info from Older Spock and Scotty. With a few extra lines of dialogue, they could have cleared up some of the confusion I had watching the film. Still want to see it again at IMAX this weekend. Wish this new crew was on TV instead of waiting two years for the next film.

Make sure it's the actual IMAX experience. I heard a lot of theatres are claiming it's the IMAX experience when it's in fact not.

Is IMAX a Big Rip Off?

we really liked First Contact :D
That movie was part of the unknown time travel theories from Star Trek.

One theory is that you can change your past to change the present.

Another theory is that the past is already determined. If you happened to be in the past when it supposedly change, it already determined whether you were there or not.
I did watch the rebooted Star Trek movie yesterday with OC and boy it was damn good. At least having an alternate time line does give the series a fresh start. The new Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu and Chekov are really growing on me more than the old cast did.

Cant wait to see what JJ Abrams and Co. will bring to the Star Trek franchise in the future :). Gene Roddenberry, if he was alive, would be really pleased at the new direction Star Trek is going.

Now I cant wait for the next ST movie...just be careful I may turn into a rabid trekkie lol...
The actor in the new movie is the son of the actor fromt he '70's cops show CHIPS. Anyone remember Robert Pine? His son is playing James T. Kirk in the movie, and Eric Bana is playing a (sexy) Romulan! ;)

LOL yeah right. Chris Pine is MUCH better at acting than Robert Pine will ever be. Esp when it comes to being smart-asses, Chris sure did learn it from good old Dad lol. Esp when his Dad had to deal with Ponch Poncherello on a daily basis heh.
i saw the movie, and I dragged my dropped jaw out of the movie room
:hyper: i am a big time star trek fannnnnnn! i especially like the old trek movies.

I very highly recommend you to watch this movie! IMHO it is the best Star Trek movie ever made since the Wrath of Khan.
Very interesting theories, VamP :hmm:
They do have a special DVD set called Star Trek Fan Collective: Time Travel. It has 15 episodes from all the Star Trek series related to time travel. Those will show you a few different perspectives of time travel. ;)

[ame=] Star Trek Fan Collective - Time Travel[/ame]