Fly free, sometime it doesnt work when you use them. if you do to them... then you ll be sorry.
Originally posted by eternity
That guy who stalked me for like 7 years, eh? he creeped me out everytime he stared at and gave me a couple of note with japan language (wtf).
I tried to bitch at him like GO away .. leave me alone.. just find someone else instead of me me me.. I treated him badly.. None of this work. When I hitted his button and he chooses to hit my face even thought he was on yellow or brown belt or whatever i dont care what he is on. SO when he did it to my face. I was pissed off and told him TO LEAVE and i had my friend to push him off and told him to leave, too. Then we called police. What the police do... NOTHING, eh? i was like *wave*
Know what? How lucky I am. .only 2 days before it happened that I took a senior picture.
Well I got both black eyes for 3 weeks. I went to the hospital and took x ray to see if my nose s broke but no. How lucky I am.
damn that's no way to treat a lady...whoever did that to you is no longer a "gentelman" but a insane and stupid animal...Originally posted by eternity
Stevey boy, I wish . but one guy almost broke my nose.
Originally posted by eternity
Stevey boy - I know.. How he left me alone? After 7 years.. I finally moved away (move to california). That's how he stopped from doing like that ever since. I just want my own privacy life and all without anyone interfere mine.
Steel no he is WHITE. I asked someone who can translated from what he wrote. He wrote that he wants to go out with me after I broke up with my ex.
The point is.. I do not still get it when I tried to treat someone SO BADLY and still wants me or others? There isn't safetly anywhere.
How much I hate 2nd home. When he was standing on our garage's roof to peep me like i change my clothes. I tripped out about that.
It's long story because it's 7 years that I suffered with that. But now im happy when he finally left me alone.
There are some history records at police stations![]()
Originally posted by eternity
Yea Stevey boy, but I moved back in michigan. Not in detroit area like before. Not so many people know where I live since I like to keep low profile. Without anyone bother me because I have my own life.
Poor famous people who had the problems, too. Some famous people who got several bodyguards to protect them. They got money for them to do their job to protect them. And we do not have that kind of money to get a bodyguard to protect us.
Originally posted by eternity
Fly free, mace and pepper spray do not save your life. If you do that to them and they still chase after you. Maybe even kill you.
You can't fight them. All you do is suffer through. Online is nothing because they wont be around in real life!