The complication is that I'm in Dual Status, and the Medicare rep didn't have an answer for this:
When I was in the Navy I served 7 years active duty and 17 years as a drilling reservist. I retired as a reservist.
TCS served his full career and retired as an active duty member. So, his status is primary over mine. Our Tricare is under his SSN, and I'm considered a dependent for Tricare purposes.
I will 65 March 2016. TCS will be 65 December 2017. That screws up the normal way Tricare is determined for the dependent (me).
When I get my prescriptions at the VA hospital downtown, I get them under my SSN. When I get the at the Navy pharmacy, I have to get them under TCS's SSN. I get my medical care from VA under my SSN. I get other care, if needed, such as an ER visit, under TCS's SSN (Tricare).
That's why it's confusing.
The Medicare rep said that she never heard of such a thing. :roll: