SSI Overpayment

The part-time job at minimum wage make less money than full SSI due to transportation cost and taxes, also many deaf people having trouble to find a job so SSI is only last resort if you cannot find a job at all.

Now, VR in my state are unwilling to help to find job for deaf people; however, they may find part-time job that make much less money.

2008 financial crisis and post-recession by Obama Admin already screw up our economy system, also many businesses don't give ratass about Americans with disabilities.

That why I'm in school and working on my degree in IT so I'm strongly consider about go to graduate school as well.
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I know plenty of deaf people earn more than $2,000/month from SSA or SSDI. It is definitely better than some full time jobs around here.
I know plenty of deaf people earn more than $2,000/month from SSA or SSDI. It is definitely better than some full time jobs around here.

sad. what a scam.
If you believe you receive overpayment. Put these in saving account. Let it grow until SSA and/or SSDI found out the error and asked for money back. You get some interest $$$ keep it with you. Winning!
If you believe you receive overpayment. Put these in saving account. Let it grow until SSA and/or SSDI found out the error and asked for money back. You get some interest $$$ keep it with you. Winning!

yes thats what lot of older people do that. Nothing wrong with it as long as they pay back in full and kept their own interest.