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um.... why? Didn't you learn anything Madoff?
Yup, privatization of SS isn't going to help at all so I'm against it.
um.... why? Didn't you learn anything Madoff?
why is that people don't trust their own government? It's sad.
All governments are made up of people, and people are fallible.why is that people don't trust their own government? It's sad.
Our Founding Fathers understood the flawed nature of man, and therefor included checks and balances in the Constitution.It is sad.....but valid.
Canada is benefit cover health I am lucky I have special my benefit!! system call CP I so might government to pay everything include variety my health! I am lucky!
You know what's so hilairious? Many conservatives here warn of healthcare going to hell and that people will be disposed on death panel.
But if you ask people who live in countries where they have universal healthcare, they go, "Are they nuts?!?! I am SO happy I have it. I was in an accident and stayed in hospital for 4 days. How much did I pay for it? Just $10! My healthcare pays the rest!"
And none of those countries want their healthcare repealed. NONE!
You know what's so hilairious? Many conservatives here warn of healthcare going to hell and that people will be disposed on death panel.
But if you ask people who live in countries where they have universal healthcare, they go, "Are they nuts?!?! I am SO happy I have it. I was in an accident and stayed in hospital for 4 days. How much did I pay for it? Just $10! My healthcare pays the rest!"
And none of those countries want their healthcare repealed. NONE!
You sure about that?????![]()
not just ss just remember our over paid lawmakers needs a big pay cut!!!!!! they get cola pay raises and people on ss do not for 2 yrs thats not fair to our senior citizen......
You know what's so hilairious? Many conservatives here warn of healthcare going to hell and that people will be disposed on death panel.
The claim
Government health officials in England have decided that $22,750 (£14,000) is what six months' life is worth. Under their socialised system, if a medical treatment costs more, you're out of luck - Club for Growth
The response
The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) decides whether new drugs represent value for money for the NHS in England and Wales. It replied: "This is a gross misrepresentation of how Nice applies health economics to try and address the central issue: how to allocate healthcare rationally within the context of limited healthcare resources. Nice assesses the cost of a treatment in terms of a cost-utility analysis which takes account of the quality adjusted life year – the amount and quality of extended life it is hoped the patient will gain. The current ceiling is £30,000 but exceptions are made."
The claim
Breast cancer kills 46% of its targets in Britain, compared with 25% in the US; prostate cancer kills 57% of the Britons it strikes, compared with 25% of American victims; Britain's heart attack fatality rate was 19.5% higher than America's in 2005 – Pacific Research Institute, a San Francisco-based thinktank
The response
Breast cancer does claim more lives, proportionally, here than in the US. According to the 2002 Globocan database run by the World Health Organisation's cancer advisers, 19.2 of every 100,000 Americans die of the disease, but 24.3 per 100,000 here die. On prostate cancer, a Lancet Oncology global study last year found that 91.9% of Americans with the disease were still alive after five years compared to just 51.1% in the UK. With heart attacks, 40% of Britons who suffer one die from it compared to 38% in the States – nowhere near the difference claimed.
The claim
In Britain, 40% of cancer patients are never able to see an oncologist; there is explicit rationing for services such as kidney dialysis, open heart surgery and care for the terminally ill – Conservatives for Patients' Rights
The response
"The claim that 40% of cancer patients are never able to see an oncologist comes from a 15-year-old study which is completely out of date. Since then we have had the Nice Improving Outcomes Guidance series and the NHS Cancer Plan for England, which has increased the number of cancer consultants and established specialist multidisciplinary teams," said Duleep Allirajah of Macmillan Cancer Support. However, "some people with serious kidney failure are unable to obtain dialysis on the NHS and die", said Tim Statham, chief executive of the National Kidney Federation. "Some parts of the NHS can't cope, because patient numbers are increasing by 6% a year, which is a huge burden. Of about 100 renal units in the UK, probably 20% are working at 100% capacity or above," he added. The claim about open heart surgery is not true, said the BHF's Weissberg. "There's no explicit rationing. Some people don't get treatment, but those decisions are made solely on the basis of clinical criteria and their risk of dying. We only operate on people who are likely to benefit and not die." The three main political parties agree that Britain provides good quality end-of-life care but that access to it can be patchy, depending on location and the patient's condition. The government is working to improve the situation.
The claim
In the UK, breast cancer survival rates are 11% lower than they are here in the United States – Sue Myrick, a Republican congresswoman from North Carolina
The response
If anything the gap is wider than Myrick says. Breakthrough Breast Cancer cite two recent studies from Lancet Oncology. One says that 83.9% of women in the US diagnosed with breast cancer between 1990-94 lived for at least five years compared to 69.7% in the UK – a 14.2% difference. The second showed that, among women diagnosed with the disease in 2000-02, 90.1% in the States survived for at least five years whereas in England it was 77.8% – a 12.3% gap.
Ask them if they want their healthcare repealed and have private health insurance. I talked to many people form other countries - they said NO!
And how is that different from private insurance anyway? They have "death panel" too. They are NOT in business to pay if they cannot afford it
Many conservatives here warn of healthcare going to hell and that people will be disposed on death panel.
You sure about that?????![]()
And many others say YES!!! I am sure most Breast cancer and Prostate Cancer sufferers in the UK would say YES.
But you said
SS is a ponzi scheme. We need to privatize parts of SS.
Sadly, too many British people are dependent on NHS because they are also dependent on the dole.If NHS repealed so it will be more difficult for poor British to access the healthcare and it isn't brilliant idea to do that. I don't think that NHS is going to be repealed in anytime, even forever because it is necessary for British to get treatment if they are unable to afford to receive a treatment under private healthcare. Reform the NHS to fix the medical issues and delayed waiting are possible but cost more money.
That why UK has private healthcare as alternative option if you can afford to get quick treatment without any delaying.
Sadly, too many British people are dependent on NHS because they are also dependent on the dole.
That's what's happening here in the States, too. People become dependent on COLA's that are determined by the government. Next, they will also become dependent on a national health care system.
People who depend on government programs are at the mercy of their governments.
If their governments are wise, well-managed, benevolent, and fair, then maybe that's tolerable.
Do you know any governments that fit that description?
Nooooo....Wow, NOW you're an anarchist?![]()