If I remember correctly, you can go into your phone options and set it to vibrate for longer, multiple times, flash LED, stronger, weaker etc. I thought it vibrated way too strongly for the touch-response and I had to tone it way down. I came from a Blackberry last week myself.
My biggest gripe is... I keep having to reboot my phone to get internet access to work. SMS works fine all the time, but it often tells me I don't have data connection (while showing me full bars or nearly full bars of reception) when I check my email and upon rebooting, it, I have my email connection back. What the heck?
Problems with Sprint VRS on it as well... At least when trying to call other people's VP. 1 out of 3 VP's I have tried to converse with regularly so far will not work. I get a black screen every time for the other party. Other party can't see me either. With Qik (VP-ing with an Evo user), the other party can see me, but I get a black screen for him.
Don't get me started on not being able to get my old address book or calendar out of my blackberry and onto this phone. I've spent at least 8 hours trying, using various suggestions/recommendations to no avail. I plan to take both phones in to a sprint center tomorrow or Tuesday and tell them that they need to sort this out or I'm returning the Epic and going back to my old trusty blackberry.