I do not see any CC in the youtube video?
A lot of those also say that is due to the $50 extra for the Epic and the fact they dont like the Touchwiz interface. The interface means very little to me, just root the phone and install a custom ROM to bring back the stock android.
Also, no one can argue the Epic's graphics processor (esp in gaming) beats the EVO hands down. Other than that the EVO and Epic are pretty even.
Another huge plus the Epic has over the EVO is tv-out. The EVO has HDMI out but the Epic does also with a special microusb to hdmi cable. The big difference is the EVO is limited to certain applications for TV-out while the Epic can show everything on the phone with the exception of DRM protected content. There is also DLNA streaming.
There are some people who are just not ready to give up a physical keyboard for onscreen yet and I am one of them. I'm sure I will use the onscreen for quick replies etc, but when typing out an entire mail the hardware keyboard will be nice to have.
Bottom line: Both EVO and Epic are awesome phones so selection comes down to personal preference and how much money one is willing to spend.
It will void your warranty if you do root Android phone, just like jailbreak the iPhone.
Rooting your phone does not matter anymore as Excedio pointed out. Besides if anything happens and you need warranty service all you have to do is flash the original image back. The only thing I can see truly voiding the warranty is if you brick the phone which is very unlikely with all the recovery images available out there.
It's very likely if you buy a Droid X.![]()
But Droid X lacks the front-facing camera.
Rooting your phone does not matter anymore as Excedio pointed out. Besides if anything happens and you need warranty service all you have to do is flash the original image back. The only thing I can see truly voiding the warranty is if you brick the phone which is very unlikely with all the recovery images available out there.
Even Apple could send a code to all jailbroken iPhone to disable it but they havent done it yet and still can do it any time they want.
So ummm...back to the topic at hand...
The Epic is Ugly and has an ugly UI. If they use the stock Android UI it might be a good phone. However...it's still ugly. Did I mention that it's ugly?
But you should see it on showroom at Sprint Store.
Why cost too much and no front-camera unlike HTC EVO?
Most say HTC EVO G4 is better than epci g4.