Spring is here!


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Spring must be here.

In my front yard, the cherry tree blossoms are light pink, the azalea bush blooms are dark pink, light pink, and fuschia, the grass is green, and the trees have tender green leaf buds. Beautiful!

In my back yard, the forsythia blossoms are bright yellow, and they almost match the color of the gold finches that are swarming my bird feeders. Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal are courting each other, the chickadees and tufted titmouse are building nests, and the brown bunny is grazing on my lawn. Yes, I did see the first spring robin last week! Every time I look out my window there is some cute bird splashing in the bird bath.

On the neighborhood streets, there are dozens and dozens of bikers out, some individually, some couples, some large groups. Vroooom!

Today was the annual Cooper River Bridge Run, a local rite of spring, and the Flowertown Festival.

People are strolling around in shorts and tank tops, and flip flops. It is 80 degrees this afternoon.

Yes, spring is here! :P
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Here is spring. It was 80 out today. Whewwwwwwww but not that hot it was comfortable. :D
Warm and sunny for the past 2 days, I hope it keeps up !!!! :) :thumb:
Still alittle chilly out there.
I live in Southwest Ontario (Canada).
Very excited that the warmer weather is coming! :D
Not yet, yesterday was kinda of warm, but today is CHILLY!!....I'll just wait and see how next week goes....
still cold here cuz gonna expect alot of rain here :squint: but the weather will change by the time my b-day comes in june... ;)
Oh Spring, how I miss thee.

Wyoming doesn't really have "spring." We have snow, then more snow, then a couple of spring-like days when we're usually unable to go outside anyway because of 40 MPH winds (like today), then a couple of weeks of summer, then snow. :)
Nice and spring-ish here in Seattle with lot of trees with flowers (cherry blossoms) and lot of bulbs flowering and trees getting new leaves. Nice to see spring again. :) It's averaging in mid 50's in day time with a few showers time to time with some sunbreaks and cloudiness.
It's here..we had a major storm on Friday.
Now comes the storms *sighs..I hate them, especially
when we are driving in the middle of no where (country) no
place to seek shelter if there is threatening weather! :thumbd:
Today, I've spotted tiny purple bloosom came it out and show beautiful.. I believe there's ready spring on way warmer... *yahoooooooooooooo* espically today my hubby and I were working our backyard setting up the fence... for our dogs. :)
It started get warmer but it is chilly today. It's nice though. I'll rather in 70's to 80's. :)

I started noticed two weeks ago I think..that my tulips leaves are poking out of the ground. So I am waiting for it to bloom! And the tree start to bloom a little bit. I also started noticed the birds came out and are happy and singing!
it was warm for few days

now it will be yoyo (up and down) temps for few days hope it will go up and up
soon hehe
I'm looking forward to winter. *grins* no more hayfever, pollen allergy for me...

Right now it's fall, but it is still too warm/hot on some days.
APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain...

("The Wasteland", by T.S. Eliot, 1922)
No spring here in Wyoming, yet. :( It's windy and CHILLY! God, please stop blowing on me and making my hair messy! Thank you. LOL
My front yard today:


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