Sports and hearing?


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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I also have trouble hearing at practice. And i have my hearing test/ear appt on the 23rd:), and i also may find out if i need hearing aids that day as well. My coach a couple weeks ago was joking around about my hearing n i asked him if i would still be allowed on the team if i needed hearing aids, he said hed think about it (joking arond) but then he asked if it would show?and i said i didnt know....i know for most of it he was joking around, but i know he hates people wearing glasses so i dunno if he'd like me wearing hearing aids..but hewould have to let me, right? Btw i do competative cheerleading so i do alot of tumbling (floor gymnastics) and stunts (throwing the ppl in the air, and lots of moving around, so would it even be a good idea to wear the hearing aids (if i get them). Really hot in gym too, gets yucky and sweaty...
I have hearing aids (have had them for 12 years) and sports never really caused me problems. I used to dance/do gymnastics, and I just wore my hearing aids. I never had any problem with it (I have the over the ear kind) Glasses tend to fall off, but in my experience my hearing aid never has, unless the tubing is stiff and needs to be fixed, in which case it likes to fall apart on me. The only sport I've ever taken my hearing aid out for is field hockey, on account of the balls and sticks flying around everywhere. Not that it matters because everyone's yelling anyways :lol:
i've also been wondering about what it would be like to do my favourite sport (jump rope)f i had them... competetive cheerleading, eh? that must be fun :) i've always wanted to do it.
It really depends on the sport. I don't see too many sports that would prevent one from participating in it just because of hearing issues. Some sports permits one to wear the HA or CI (volleyball) and others you really can't (football). For example in my HA days, I wrestled in JH and the only way to do the sport is to not wear the HA. It wasn't a problem as I could hear the whistle and feel when the referee slammed the mat for a pin. You just had to be more aware of what was going on around big deal.
i had no problem... i played baseball for 7 years from gr 2 to gr 8 and now i'm 19. I was done with baseball after that.. i just got bored of it but its was great cause usually the communication is physical body language than talking. I was one of the best player in the league, i got MVP twice and got into the all star tournament and got MVP for all star as well. after I quit baseball, the baseball assoication calling me for two years to come back but i had to said no *shurgs*

overall any sports should be fine depending on what position you got...
