Spoooooooky stuff...

I was watching the live news about this in the hospital room. My mom was with me and she was talking with my aunt who lived in that area. My aunt could see the lights right above her and she was describing them to my mom.

AH! So you has family who saw the lights first hand too! Very cool. What did they think they were?:shock:
AH! So you has family who saw the lights first hand too! Very cool. What did they think they were?:shock:

I will have to email my aunt. It was 13 years ago so I dont remember. Let me email her and hopefully she will share her opinion.
I remember when I was a little girl, I was playing in my room with my younger brother when my mom came bursting in and grabbed the both of us. She put us in her closet and both of us being deaf, we had no idea what was going on cuz my mom is not the kind of mom to lock kids in the closet. I somehow got out and saw my mom and my dad crouching near their bedroom window looking out so I proceeded to to see what was going on. My mom saw me and told me to get back but before I did, I got a glimpse out. I saw a huge ball of orange slowly moving across the sky.

That was the last thing I remember.

Several years later, I asked my mom about it to make sure it wasnt a dream or just my imagination. She looked at me for a while and said "I cant believe you remember that day." She wont elaborate and every time I bring it up, she clams up. It is frustrating because I want to know what happened that day.

That's my weird encounter ever in my life.

Oh...wow...:shock: My hubby and I have seen these things several times in our lives...and they are either glowing orange or they look like gigantic silver ball bearings moving across the sky at unbelievable speeds.
I just do not believe that we, (humans), have that sort of technology...not in any country. So that leaves about only one explanation. And, when you have exhausted all other options, what you you have left, no matter how extreme it may seem...has to be the answer.

I also have to wonder just what else your mom saw that was so disturbing that she won't even talk to you about it?:hmm:
a lot of the sightings are satellites and stuff in the sky. as well as 50 years of accumulated space junk. i often can see satellites moving across the sky. and there are people putting up weather balloons like the balloon boys dad did a while ago ( remember that one? looked like a space ship).
if there is any possibility of intelligent life in the solar system then they would do the intelligent thing and pass us by
if there is any possibility of intelligent life in the solar system then they would do the intelligent thing and pass us by

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Oh...*snort*...I have to agree with you on that point!:lol:

As for the satellites, I've seen those too. The things we saw weren't that far up. These things were very close and details were easy to see. Satellite can't and don't move like these things. Nor do weather ballons :)
I will have to email my aunt. It was 13 years ago so I dont remember. Let me email her and hopefully she will share her opinion.

OH! I hope she remembers it well and is willing to share the experience! :D
Green427, this spirit you saw next to your brother...did it feel like it meant any harm and did your brother seem to suffer any residual effects from this spirit? Did the spirit look solid or could you see through it?

Well, it has been a long time. It looked solid to me, the ragged cloth was white due to the moon shining through the window.

The apparition appeared to just stand there looking down at him with one hand on his shoulder.

As for my brother suffering any effects, I think so. He was an asshole for many years after that. :giggle:
I remember when I was a little girl, I was playing in my room with my younger brother when my mom came bursting in and grabbed the both of us. She put us in her closet and both of us being deaf, we had no idea what was going on cuz my mom is not the kind of mom to lock kids in the closet. I somehow got out and saw my mom and my dad crouching near their bedroom window looking out so I proceeded to to see what was going on. My mom saw me and told me to get back but before I did, I got a glimpse out. I saw a huge ball of orange slowly moving across the sky.

That was the last thing I remember.

Several years later, I asked my mom about it to make sure it wasnt a dream or just my imagination. She looked at me for a while and said "I cant believe you remember that day." She wont elaborate and every time I bring it up, she clams up. It is frustrating because I want to know what happened that day.

That's my weird encounter ever in my life.

My Uncle is an Arizona Ranger and lives in Prescott Valley. He swears that he saw the Phoenix Lights craft. My Aunt (his sister) has video of the craft but will not distribute it for obvious reasons.

It was the same type of craft I saw in 2004.

Thousands of people saw it, Fyfwe Symington played it down (and later admitted he was told to do this). Then a few years ago he admitted it was of alien origin.
I want to share my ghost story, but I think it would make too many people upset.

In fact, i tried to share it before and it happened during a controversial time and well .... it made a heluva lot of people upset and thread was locked.
There should be towns and strets named Razor in that area.

My great great grandfather Henry Razor:


They were farmers.
Cool photo! :)
How would he know that? Did the aliens tell him from whence they came?

He said that he was told to hush it up. He was interviewed by CNN and I am looking for a transcript of the interview.

here it is:


KING: All right, let me get a -- I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do, I'm going to get a back, come back and then we're going to spend a segment with Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, and then Fife Symington, the former governor of Arizona, and then our panel will come back to close the show.

snippet of the full interview:

KING: All right, our panel remains. Buzz Aldrin, the NASA astronaut, second man on the moon, remains. We're going to have him pick up in a moment his description of that thing flying across the sky as he heads towards the moon.

Fife Symington now joins us, the former governor of Arizona, who in 1997 ridiculed an infamous UFO sighting by thousands of people in this state and recently admitted he was wrong. By the way, Fife runs the Arizona Culinary Institute.

Well, you were wrong because?

FIFE SYMINGTON, FORMER GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA: Well, I saw the Phoenix Lights along with hundreds if not thousands of people. And when I saw them on that day in March, I didn't say anything about it. And then the whole issue came back up again in the following June with a big "USA Today," I think, article. And there was sort of a frenzy about it. And so, I felt a little levity wouldn't hurt. So we did a spoof over the alien invasion, if you will. And I think a lot of people misunderstood what I was doing. I was just -- we were just having fun trying to lighten people up over the issue.

KING: So you acknowledge what?

SYMINGTON: Well, I acknowledge that I saw a craft. I was up in the sunny slope area around 8:00 at night. And I went out to look to the west where the -- all the news channels were filming the Phoenix Lights. And to my astonishment this large sort of delta-shaped, wedge-shaped, craft moved silently over the valley, over Squall Peak, dramatically large, very distinctive leading edge with some enormous lights. And it just went on down to the Southeast Valley. And I was absolutely stunned because I was turning to the west looking for the distant Phoenix Lights and all of a sudden this apparition appears.

KING: It was not an airplane?

SYMINGTON: No. It was definitely not an airplane and not a tens. And it was certainly not high-altitude flares because flares don't fly in formation.


KING: Governor, from what you saw, was that from outer space?

SYMINGTON: I think it was from another world. I've never seen anything like it, Larry. It was enormous. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. And, you know, it was all over the news. Hundreds, if not thousands of people saw it.

KING: It was huge, right?

SYMINGTON: Yes. And so...

KING: And traveling fast?

SYMINGTON: ...I don't -- I know of no other explanation unless a phantom stunk works have something cooking that we don't know about.
My Uncle is an Arizona Ranger and lives in Prescott Valley. He swears that he saw the Phoenix Lights craft. My Aunt (his sister) has video of the craft but will not distribute it for obvious reasons.

It was the same type of craft I saw in 2004.

Thousands of people saw it, Fyfwe Symington played it down (and later admitted he was told to do this). Then a few years ago he admitted it was of alien origin.
Thanks for the transcript.

"SYMINGTON: I think it was from another world. I've never seen anything like it, Larry."

So, Symington thinks it was from another world. That's not the same thing as admitting it was of alien origin. :)

In other words, he has no clue what it was either.

He may be closer to the truth with his other statement:

"SYMINGTON: ...I don't -- I know of no other explanation unless a phantom stunk works have something cooking that we don't know about."

(I think he meant "skunk" works; transcripts aren't always perfect--like captions. :lol: )

There are lots of experimental aircraft out there that we never have revealed to us.
My Uncle is an Arizona Ranger and lives in Prescott Valley. He swears that he saw the Phoenix Lights craft. My Aunt (his sister) has video of the craft but will not distribute it for obvious reasons.

It was the same type of craft I saw in 2004.

Thousands of people saw it, Fyfwe Symington played it down (and later admitted he was told to do this). Then a few years ago he admitted it was of alien origin.

Are you talking about the 1997 craft or the one I saw when I was little (perhaps around 1977)?
I want to share my ghost story, but I think it would make too many people upset.

In fact, i tried to share it before and it happened during a controversial time and well .... it made a heluva lot of people upset and thread was locked.

Um...maybe you could PM it too me? Sure have got me curious as to what caused all the uproar. :hmm: