I quoted from the King James Version. Which version did you use in your post?
The original Creation events were at first passed down by the generations as oral history until they were written down by Moses under direct inspiration by God.
Prior to Moses putting down the events in writing, various culture and religious groups adapted the original oral history to fit their beliefs. That's how the other stories originated. Some of those adaptations were subsequently written down.
The Genesis records are not "confused distortion" of Creation. The facts of the Creation events were given directly from God (the Creator) to Moses in order to ensure accuracy.
First of all, I would appreciate if you remember to capitalize Bible and God when referring to them. They are proper nouns, so they are supposed to be capitalized. It will also make references less confusing. "Bible" with a capital B refers specifically to the 66 books of the Holy Bible of Christians. The word "bible" without a capital refers to any authoritative reference book. "God" with a capital G refers specifically to Jehovah God, while "god" refers generically to any deity. As a student of theology, I'm sure that you know that, and we all make typo mistakes when we're in a hurry.
The answer to your question about the creation of man would be the same as my above reply since it covers the whole Creation record.