Spin-Off. Define "handicap" and "disability"

As my user name has mentioned before: how does one "interact" with the various labels in what they actually do- in real life?

Not so easy to be "glib".

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
drphil, what do you mean by "interact"? I guess I'm kinda confused on your question.
"Interact" with various labels? How does one "self talk to oneself "in say being "deaf"( whatever)- in their real life? Your choice.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
"Interact" with various labels? How does one "self talk to oneself "in say being "deaf"( whatever)- in their real life? Your choice.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Meaning how does a person feel about the disability, and do they act as if disabled?
I don't like the term, "hearing impaired. I've gone so far as to have it documented on his IEP that the terminology will be either; "hard of hearing" or "hearing loss." I got tired of seeing the word, "impaired" all over his IEP.
I realize some people don't like the term, "hearing loss" but for me it's more of a clinical reference. In the same way someone is clinically, "deaf."
I don't view my son as, "disabled" although legally he is. I view him as enabled to communicate and learn in different ways.
I agree that a lot of the challenge comes from the way people view those who are technically disabled. They don't realize that it doesn't necessarily mean that they are unintelligent or incapable of getting things accomplished and being productive members of society.
Bottesini: Is one "overwhelmed" by their "disability" or does one try to do "the "best" under the circumstances without regressing into passivity/ self defined hopelessness?
That- is one choice in the end.

Implanted Advanced Bionics Harmony activated Aug/07
Bottesini: Is one "overwhelmed" by their "disability" or does one try to do "the "best" under the circumstances without regressing into passivity/ self defined hopelessness?
That- is one choice in the end.

Implanted Advanced Bionics Harmony activated Aug/07

That's a great explanation.
Thanks Bottesini: It actually came from Evelyn Pepe my first teacher at Canadian Hearing Society/Toronto- way back in 1992. My first class- Coping with Hearing Loss. My user name has mentioned similar thoughts in dealing with any physical problem.
Now she head of Speech Language/Toronto.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Ok I view my wheelchair no diffidently to a pair of shoes

Am I disabled because I use a diffident shoes to everyone else?

When I wore hearing aids people would mistake for earrings all the time

So they became earrings that helped(they didnt) hear

I use a language other English in my social life does that make me disabled

I think ones handicaps are how they view themselves and how society them