Speeding and the law conspiracy


I like that picture. You can see Porsche 997 Carrera with Valentine One inside. It is so sweet and I feel like I want to hop in and speed with it! *Whooo Whooo*
Crazymanw00t said:

I like that picture. You can see Porsche 997 Carrera with Valentine One inside. It is so sweet and I feel like I want to hop in and speed with it! *Whooo Whooo*
As you look at your rear view mirror and see this.
ravensteve1961 said:
See Taylor the court lert you off because of the buddy system YOURE A COP! And Judges and other fellow law enforcement officers will never find you guilty or give you a ticket. I bet if a cop gives me ticket going over 5 MPH you think the judge is gonna let me off the hook? NO WAY!! cause im not a cop. I can find FBI badges on E-BAY i might buy one so if a cop pulls me over ill show him im with the FBI and he`ll let me go.

Steve, this is when I was a long haired disc jockey....had nothing to do with law enforecement. I also didn't say that it was thrown out in my post. It was thrown out along with a lot of other peoples because the officer had so many tickets that were for so little...If my speedometer is off by 2mph and his is off by 2mph.... It leaves a lot of gray area...and a lot of people walked out that day.
ravensteve1961 said:
And a lot of people chose to go to traffic school and to erase the points off their License

Its not an option here. The judge can reduce or drop the points and/or fine. In most cases, the fine remains the same but the points are reduced (points will cause your insurance to go up..and enough points gets your license suspended/revoked)
Yawn no wonder why ravensteve been complained alot since I bet hes chicken out of cops since he brings up about radars. :rofl: Alot of ppls do have radar. Wonder why my dad never get idiot tickets by cops.

ravensteve1961 said:
As you look at your rear view mirror and see this.

If you are smart and you will have less chance to see like that.


That is my best advice for anyone who wants to speed.
Speed Laws are dumb. Like 20MPH in a school zone? My parents taught me never play out in the street when i was little, So if other parents teach their kids dont play out in the street you wouldnt have drivers running them over. And 55 MPH in a constrution zone? Well dont work near traffic and you wont worry about getting runed down by a car . But its liberals who love to create traffic laws so the traffic volators can pay fines and boost the states revinues.
ravensteve1961 said:
Here is my conspiracy theory.The cops allow people to speed all the time.
EVERYONE speeds at least a little bit.This is so that they can pull you over at any time.Cops generally will let people go about 5 mph over the limit. Anything over that you're pushing it.Not if you get a radar detector. Go 15 miles over the Speedlimit and when radar dectector alarms you then you slow down. The best one to get is the one detects X-band, K-band, Ka-band, and Laser
Like This one!
Radar Dectector
Radar detectors are NOT foolproof. That cop can have the Radar on "Instant On", meaning, by the time you react to your radar detector, it is TOO LATE. Happened to me. My detector did a quick BLEEP, and next thing I know, I see blue lights. Cop waited til I was in site to activate the radar.
u better be careful what u say about cops because Taylor here is a cop, and my dad and some of my and dad's friends are cops.. pls show some respect for us....
racheleggert said:
u better be careful what u say about cops because Taylor here is a cop, and my dad and some of my and dad's friends are cops.. pls show some respect for us....

Gasp!!! Taylor or your dad gonna to catch my dad's azz for it? :rofl: I am just trying to be kidding. Ok

PurrMeow said:
Gasp!!! Taylor or your dad gonna to catch my dad's azz for it? :rofl: I am just trying to be kidding. Ok


I was just letting ravensteve know.. Sorry for consfusion..
ravensteve1961 said:
Speed Laws are dumb. Like 20MPH in a school zone? My parents taught me never play out in the street when i was little, So if other parents teach their kids dont play out in the street you wouldnt have drivers running them over. And 55 MPH in a constrution zone? Well dont work near traffic and you wont worry about getting runed down by a car . But its liberals who love to create traffic laws so the traffic volators can pay fines and boost the states revinues.

Steve, many schools have crosswalks and kids crossing the street. When I was in school, our schools didn't have those types of speed zones. It wasn't until a crossing guard was struck and killed that they went into effect at my school. Its not kids playing in the street, its kids walking to school. There are plenty of posts about people running red lights for not paying attention...that red light could have kids in the crosswalk.

As for construction zones, how do you expect them to repair the roads or bridges without working on them? Less than two weeks ago, a construction worker in a nearby city was killed during rush hour. Another incident that comes to mind is the brutal death of a construction worker in Northern Virginia. He was on top of an overpass when a speeding car struck a 'barricade truck'..that truck then hit him and he fell off of the overpass and landed in the middle of 395 and was then run over by...you guess it..speeding motorists. (395 is a major interstate going into Washington DC).

I guess it takes more people to die?
What you think School buses are there for? I paid my taxes for kids riding in school buses to school not to walk to school. And make the constrution people work at night! From 10PM to 6AM and theres not traffic in those hours.
racheleggert said:
I was just letting ravensteve know.. Sorry for consfusion..

NP I was just trying to be kidding around to have fun w/ ppls. Anyway...

ravensteve1961 said:
Cops dont really protect you.My other thread proves it like ignoring burgalar alarms.

And Steve..you never added anything to that thread in regards to the alarms. You never offer a solution...just that you want a police officer station at your house 24/7 AND to go the the same alarm call he's been to 3 times already.

You talk about traffic enforcement being a waste of time/money but you seem to think that going to repeated alarm calls is not.
What don't you google some numbers and look and see how much property damage is done on the roads and how many people are killed on the roads every day in the US. You seem to think that it is OK for all that damage and death?
I personally doesnt like policepeople.. like ravensteve doesnt.. but thats only thing we have in common... ravensteve doesnt give a damn about it.. i do.. see.. i also do understand why policepeople exsist.. why laws exsist.. but that doesnt neccessary means i ll trust them all immediately it also doesnt neccessary means ill put them down just cuz they are cops.. so ravensteve... you ought try to put urself in their shoes and try to understand it from their point of the view then debate with urself about laws that u dont like.
All i want is cops to protect us like they did in the old days. Cops back in the 1950s really nailed criminals hard. And they arrest them accordinly. Cops back in the 50s patroled the neighborhoods instead of shopping centers. And cops didnt hide behind billboards and bushes to catch speeders.They caught the speeders the old fashion way driving on the road and catch em in the act. Cops didnt work at the stadiums like they do now. Not one Baltimore city officer ever walked up to brooks robinson or johnny unitas asked them for their autographs while on duty. And if theres a drunk out in the colts game they put em out the ballpark. Back in the 50s people wernt afraid to lock their doors or walk out on the street at night. And if your tail light isnt working or brights are on they politily warn you that your and let you go. Nowadays cops act like a tough Задница Дерьма and dont give a crap who burgalize your house or your tail light isnt working or your brights are on theyre just give you a ticket and tell you these 5 words "" TELL IT TO THE JUDGE! ""