Speech - Soft Sounds or Loud Sounds?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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My Audi managed to fit me in between appointments today to sort out feedback I was having even tho feedback block was on.

Moulds are very good fit (changed tubing, micophone protectors and ear hooks) and feedback block was set to strong so he lowered the soft sounds ever so slightly. I've noticed a huge different in sounds, it's now bad.

Can't hear anything and I'm going to have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment. Only good thing is I have no feedback in either ear even at 120db low freq.

Just wondering if speech is soft or loud, or can it change depending on where you are?
These are more audi questions but to me it sounds like he might have changed the frequency shifting.
That's what I'm thinking. Annoying that I have to wait 3 weeks now to sort it out. :)