Thanks! Life is going pretty well. It's hard to believe it's been two years, but I am still here to tell the tale. It's obviously an adjustment, and life is certainly different, but I've accepted that this is how I am and it's not going to change. School has definitely been harder (though the university has been amazing at making accommodations for me), and my grades have slipped a bit since going deaf, but I'm still doing well. Socially, I've found out who my true friends really are, and they've stuck by me and have been amazingly supportive, even in the smallest ways, like writing things down for me so that I can keep pace with what's going on when we're in group settings. I've basically gone voice off, so I really rely on writing things down/texting/etc to "speak", but I do think I am going to make the commitment to really learn ASL finally. 2 years in, I can't say that I prefer to be this way, but I've accepted it as my new reality. How are you doing?