Special Pi Day this year


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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It will be 3/14/15 or think of it as 3.1415. :D
Yep. plus the next 3 numbers after that. :)

I will be celebrating that day with actual pie!
This painful thing I did at school.. I will celebrate it watching film pi....is pi day American or do the world celebrate it
Seems to be mainly a US celebration...


What's even more interesting--

In the year 2015, Pi Day will have special significance on 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 a.m. and p.m., with the date and time representing the first 10 digits of π.[12] That same second will also contain a precise instant corresponding to all of the digits of π.

2014 was unique in that it was called Pi Month (3/14- March 2014)
I keep forgetting date yes you told me last year..i never known of it over here don't think it be enthused over
Friend getting married that day

And a bakery is doing a pi sale for their pies lol. 31.4% off tho not really 3.14%