Southern heat wave blamed for 33 deaths


Active Member
Apr 29, 2003
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Southern heat blamed for 33 deaths - Weather -

its been so hot for 2 weeks here in Arkansas.. Ugh.. one of my kitty died from heat.. so gotta watch pets and elderly.. forecast predicted that temps will go down this weekend.. I sincerely hope so cuz thats all i can take from this hot weather.. :fingersx:
Oh, sorry about what happen.

Shame on global warming... :pissed:
I'm glad that my ac broke down earlier last month and got fixed before this heat wave struck my area. I'm suffering a rather painful rash as a result of this heat.. I hope it ends soon!
wow!!! gee. i been have headaches for 4 days since due heat ugh.. i hate that.. but i ahve AC here.. whew
Temperatures here have been in the 90s to 100's. I've been staying home, drinking a lot of water and keeping the temp inside down to 60. Thank god.
They are predicting a break from the heat by the weekend and possibly rain from Hurricane Dean if it lands just right. They're saying if it misses the Yucatan Peninsula it will be Catagory 4 or 5 when it makes landfall anywhere from Texas to Florida. Everyone on the coast please be careful!

As for everyone inland - stay out of the heat as much as you can -its dangerous out there folks!
They are predicting a break from the heat by the weekend and possibly rain from Hurricane Dean if it lands just right. They're saying if it misses the Yucatan Peninsula it will be Catagory 4 or 5 when it makes landfall anywhere from Texas to Florida. Everyone on the coast please be careful!

As for everyone inland - stay out of the heat as much as you can -its dangerous out there folks!

I got a call from my finance's mother worrying that Hurricane Dean might come toward Texas and asks me if I am near the ocean front. Actually we just moved from Port Arthur, Tx and live in Amarillo, TX which is north texas. I saw the weather said Hurricane Dean will hit to Jamaica where my finance's family currently live. Hope they will be ok.

And yeah it is very hot outside... I had to keep AC on running. Weather sure does sucks.:pissed:
It was over 100 degrees for the past few days... until recently, thunderstorm! Yay!

Finally, it's dropping below 100.

They say that we're supposed to have another heat wave in 2009 or 2010. :eek:
You guys!

Those comments made me thinking of moving back to San Diego, where I come from. This place has nearly perfect weather!
I think there will be more Earthquakes

Because Weathermen were wrong about having more Hurricanes.

I think Heat Wave will be just for this month... then

after that, Earthquakes will happen.
Shut up DFM - your going off topic again.
Thank god I stick with Nor'Easter! We don't see much 90's degrees day up here. Right now it is very cool at 63 degrees!!! Just perfect for me!
I'm glad the temps are dropping again as my AC broke again and the bathroom is flooded again.
Wow... Sorry about what happened.. Agree with Pacman, Shame on Global Warming!
Shame on global warming... :pissed:

Oi, oi, oi! :roll: It just happens! Not global warming. Don't argue. We're never eye to eye on something. Just make sure drink plenty of water. I worked outside with above 100. Yes, it was hot. And I drink a lot of water and gatorade.

The US troops walking with 50 pounds gears under sun at 120 degrees in Iraq. And they all drink water a lot.