sound that you hate


New Member
Nov 26, 2005
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for thse of you that still have some hearing aided or not, are ther sounds that make you want to crawl out of your own skin , t hat you just cant stand lik nails on a chalk board ? for me sand paper being used is one the scatching sound just drive me nuts.
I hate that damn sound that comes from my HAs when someone hugs me or if I touch my ears :roll:
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When my son stomping his feet on the floor repeatably drives me insane!!

He knows I can hear it, and that's why he does it. :mad2:
Hearie here :wave:

Things I don't like to hear:
nails on chalkboard for sure
loud cars/motorbikes, etc.
anything that is ticking at night when I'm trying to sleep. :mad2:
yelling kids (don't mind them being loud if they play and have fun, but no yelling! can't stand that!!!)

uhm... that's all I can think of right now... :D

One sound that really peeves me are those stupid egomaniac male hearing people who "HAVE" to have those stupid loud mufflers on their "small" cars or big trucks. Not only is it an annoying sound, you feel it too!

Its like they're trying to make up for a "size" that sadly enough isn't "big enough". :eek3:
The wind! Every time I go out for a drive in a nice warm weather and put my windows down. I hate the sound of the wind. Sometimes I had to turn off my hearing aid because it's soo annoying. Then there are times when I deal with it because my engine sounds makes up for it. lol
Every August we get an influx of crickets in our ac ventilation system. Every time I turn out my light to go to sleep, they start singing. I turn it back on to find out where on earth the culprit is hiding and it stops. Turn it back off and singing starts again...grrrr, it's maddening!! :mad2:

A drippy tap is annoying too.
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Every August we get an influx of crickets in our ac ventilation system. Every time I turn out my light to go to sleep, they start singing. I turn it back on to find out where on earth the culprit is hiding and it stops. Turn it back off and signing starts again...grrrr, it's maddening!! :mad2:

A drippy tap is annoying too.
I may never hear a cricket, but I would like to visit you and see your "signing crickets." :lol:
i miss crickets.

i hate really loud music- base. concerts. turn that treble all the way up and that base all the way down
"We need to talk....."

"The bill comes to $XXXX.XX....."

"Unfortunately I am unable to do that for you...."
Any high pitched shrill beep, like those beepers for the lazy-people carts at Wal-Mart. Oh, and the beeps of the cash register at a specific register that has that high pitch bEEEEEp! Drives me bat shit mad when I get stuck on that register all damn night.

Another is the ting-ping-ping-clink-clink-clink-clink-ting-ping of my ceiling fan when its on. I need it on to keep the room cool, but the constant noise drives me mad.
Stupid squirrels shimmying up and down the drainpipe outside my window. They make a racket that can wake the dead. :mad2:
Every August we get an influx of crickets in our ac ventilation system. Every time I turn out my light to go to sleep, they start singing. I turn it back on to find out where on earth the culprit is hiding and it stops. Turn it back off and singing starts again...grrrr, it's maddening!! :mad2:

A drippy tap is annoying too.

Crickets live in the AC vents? Geez, get pest control to take care of that!