That is a heck of a gun to have in Moms basement!![]()
Stupid. You only add more fire to fire. I predict more gun violence in bars.
College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader - News Story - WSB AtlantaCollege Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader
One student with a gun saves the lives of 10.
College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader - News Story - WSB Atlanta
It happened this May.Newsflash!!!! in the rest of the world the incedent passed without mention as the students found it impossible to find a gun, so it all ends up with an arguement in the playing fields.(now reba and jiro! current times, and not an isolated incedent that you both so fondly focus on, no matter what decade, or indeed century it happened!!!) same old story here, but we banned them, we werent running scared like you lot are, and now we have alot less deaths per HOP, so much for being a superpower, you can't boil an egg without an ak47 at your side, or so it seems to us, long live john wayne:roll:
It happened this May.
If the student hadn't shot the intruder the two thugs would have raped and murdered all of them.
It isn't "isolated". If I have time, I can look up plenty more. I've read about many more but they don't always have links that I can use. I prefer to use original sources.
On Monday afternoon, Adrianna Sauceda sat in the passenger seat of her car, touching up makeup before heading to her job on Kennedy.
A man's stare met her eyes in the reflection of a side view mirror.
Sauceda, 31, felt alarmed. She fumbled with the ignition, trying to raise the windows.
The man reached for the driver's side door. It was unlocked.
She opened her glove compartment and grabbed a gun.
Looking away from her, he pushed his gun into her stomach and yelled, "Get the f - - - out!"
"I was watching his finger the whole time," she said.
Then he turned toward her. Before he saw it coming, she punched him in the face with her gun, she said, and pointed the barrel between his eyes.
He screamed and fled, nearly falling in the parking lot as he ran to a getaway car.
Sauceda says she has a gun permit because she's been held up five times.
"I used to live in LA, in Compton, and never got robbed, never had a problem," she said. "Then, I moved to Tampa, and the third week I was here, I got robbed."
Sauceda says she didn't hesitate to pull the gun.
"I figured if he was going to shoot me, I was going to shoot him so he wouldn't get away with it," she said. "I didn't want someone to take something I've worked so hard for.
"I think that's a really cowardly, weak person to take something from somebody because they're too weak to work for it and earn it themselves."
LIMA - A wannabe burglar may be walking around with a lead reminder of a Friday break-in.
Lima Police believe the man who reportedly broke into a home in the 800 block of West Wayne Street early Friday morning may have been shot by the home's owner.
The incident occurred just before 4 a.m. Friday, according to Lima Police Detective Kent Miller. The home's owner was sitting in his living room, just about an hour after coming home from working third shift, when he heard a bang from the next room. He walked in and saw a man in his house by the front door. The homeowner turned around and grabbed his .22 revolver and yelled at the intruder, who then rushed at him, Miller said. He fired one shot before the would-be burglar fled.
Police believe the bullet may have struck the intruder, but found no blood or other evidence of injury at the scene.
"We think he hit him mainly because of the distance between them. He was just three or four feet away, but we didn't find any blood," Miller said.
Police have notified hospitals around the region to keep an eye out for a man seeking treatment for a gunshot wound. Miller said he believes if the man is wounded he may try to treat himself or ask friends for help.
"A lot of times people will try and treat these things themselves as long as they can. We hope he'll eventually go somewhere for help," Miller said.
Lima Police are looking for a blond white male, between the ages of 35 and 40 years old who may be seeking treatment for a wound. Anyone with information is asked to contact Lima Police Detective Kent Miller at 419-221-5289, or Allen County Crime Stoppers at 419-229-7867.
HOUMA — An armed burglary that ended with a homeowner’s brother fatally shooting a suspect was preceded by a rash of similar crimes in the area, deputies said.
Click to enlarge
Terry Hayes
Click to enlarge
Charles Mouton
In the weeks before Tuesday night’s shooting, about 15 burglaries occurred, said Maj. Brent Hidalgo of the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office. Within the past month, missing goods including yard tools and even food have been reported to sheriff’s detectives.
The high crime is unusual for the Schriever area, and detectives are investigating, he said.
“It’s a list (of goods) a mile long,” Hidalgo said. “That’s not normal.”
About 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, two brothers who live in the 400 block of West Main Street discovered a pair of men — one of whom was armed with a BB gun — who had broken into one of the men’s garage.
The homeowner, Chris Derocher, and his brother, Bryan Derocher, live on the same property in separate homes.
Bryan Derocher called his sibling that evening when he saw two men walking around the property, deputies said.
When Chris Derocher, who was away from home, arrived, he noticed his garage window was damaged and a motion-sensor light inside the garage was turned on, deputies said.
Chris Derocher and his brother, who was armed with a handgun, opened the garage door and found the two men inside, deputies said.
One of the suspects, Terry Hayes, 34, brandished the BB gun at the men, and Bryan Derocher fired two shots, one of which struck Hayes in the torso.
Hayes died at the scene, deputies said.
Hidalgo said Hayes’ BB gun was indistinguishable from an actual gun.
The other burglary suspect, Charles Mouton, 42, of Thibodaux, was held at gunpoint by Bryan Derocher until deputies arrived.
Hayes had previously been arrested for armed robbery, theft, burglary, illegal possession of stolen goods and illegal carrying of a firearm, among other charges, deputies said.
Mouton had similar arrest history.
Mouton has been booked for simple burglary, aggravated burglary, parole violation and second-degree murder.
He is being held at the Terrebonne Parish jail in lieu of $250,000 bond.
A suspect can be charged with murder if, in the act of committing a burglary, a life is lost, said Carlos Lazarus, first assistant district attorney.
Bonds for the murder and parole charges have yet to be set, deputies said.
Hidalgo said deputies have increased their patrols in the area and are working on the outstanding burglary cases, some of which have been tough to solve because of a lack of evidence.
Deputies are looking into whether Mouton and Hayes were behind some of the cases reported in the past month, he said.
Attempts to reach the homeowner Wednesday were unsuccessful.
LiveLeak.com - Rabid coyote attacks girl waiting for school busRabid coyote attacks girl waiting for school bus
When David Miller heard 9-year-old Ashton Crowe cry out for help, he didn't take time to find his shoes. The young man bolted out of his grandparents' house, down a gravel driveway, and kicked Ashton's attacker with his bare foot.
Although David, 16, could not tell exactly what kind of animal was biting Ashton about 6:30 a.m. Friday, he grabbed it by the neck, pinned it against the ground and t More..old Ashton to run for safety. Ashton, who suffered leg wounds and severe damage to her toe from the coyote, sought shelter as David's grandfather, Howard Rochester, came down the driveway with a pistol.
"I was limping and running and went inside," recalled Ashton, who had been waiting for a school bus on Sutton Road, east of Pacolet.
Rochester fired a close-range shot into the coyote's stomach and it released itself from David's grasp, then charged Rochester and bit down on the barrel of Rochester's .22-caliber pistol. He fired and the animal jumped back and ran around a little more as Rochester fired until the trigger went "click."
The coyote then died in a nearby field, where it was taken away by Spartanburg County animal control agents, said Don Arnold, director of environmental enforcement...
Arnold said the male coyote weighed 27 pounds, although adult males usually weigh between 30 and 50 pounds. He said agents sent the coyote's head to the state Department of Health and Environmental Control for tests, which came back positive for rabies.
Seventy-year-old woman holds home intruder at gunpoint, talks about ordealSeventy-year-old woman holds home intruder at gunpoint
...It was all started about nine o'clock Sunday night. Sandra says she was in the midst of splitting wood for her fire and making vegetable soup, when she heard a ruckus outside.
“All of a sudden, I’m hearing fast footsteps around my yard, around my deck,” says Sandra.
That's when she says she grabbed her gun and called 911. Moments later-- the intruder-- 28-year-old Cyrus Brown, broke through her back patio door, pushing his way through the glass.
“Immediately, I felt there was danger because he was so desperate,” explains the 70-year-old. “He's in the kitchen by the stove, I told him to get down on the floor. I said if you come any closer to me, I will shoot you to kill. I told him to sit down, don't move, and I want to see your hands at all times,” adds Sandra....
that's the point. We're not here to change your mind. We're here to change your misconception toward gun - just like JAWS.Oh wow, all those heartwarming stories... so not changing my mind. You will ALWAYS find a story that supports every single person's POV.
so would I but I can assure you that statistic for "legal intervention" by armed citizens will surprise you. Majority of time - we do not need to shoot it because the intruders usually comply to our firm instruction and thanks God for that.I want hard numbers.
Some numbers from cdc.gov ( WISQARS Home )
Numbers are per 100,000 people from 1999 to 2006 using Firearm:
Unintentional deaths: 5,974
Homicide deaths: 93,493
Legal Intervention deaths: 2,540
It's really too bad that the number of accidental deaths is more than twice than legal intervention......
Although the legal intervention only counts for the police, not citizens. I would be very curious to see those numbers.
training? training is not required to obtain the gun - just a gun permit. You will need another permit for CCW purpose too. Alabama is a gun-friendly state. After all - you're a law-abiding citizen with no criminal citizen.A gun shop just opened near me. I am extremely curious to see how easy it is for me to get a gun without training.
that's the point. We're not here to change your mind. We're here to change your misconception toward gun - just like JAWS.
so would I but I can assure you that statistic for "legal intervention" by armed citizens will surprise you.
training? training is not required to obtain the gun - just a gun permit. You will need another permit for CCW purpose too. Alabama is a gun-friendly state. After all - you're a law-abiding citizen with no criminal citizen.
but JAWS caused people to nearly wiped out sharks over unfounded, illogical fear.JAWS speaks truth.
we're not here to change your mind either.Probably, but surprise me enough to change my mind? ehhhhh....
I know quite a handful of law-abiding citizens with no record who should NOT be drivingAnd this is a good thing? I know quite a few law abiding citizens with no record who should NOT have a gun. Don't you?