I DID! Last year or the year before when I was trying out all three (well 4). I know that if you do NOT use any of them for a period of time (6 months to a year?) you LOSE the number. So likely by now I've lost the number I have. I may go get a second number but like I said after all the crap between Sorenson and going back to ZVRS and having to give 2 different recruiters 2 different numbers (long story) I don't want to go through all that a third time right now.
No not the microphone- that's turned on (after I got an actual microphone). I also have speakers set. Also I don't use nVP I use nTouch for PC. (no space here for a nVP- it's a nice to have... maybe eventually).
What my issue with Sorenson is...
1. I call a number, I have VCO set as my option. I use DAI cords plugged into my PC headphone jack. When the interpreter answers and dials- other caller answers- I cannot hear the other caller's voice (I'm able to hear some and it does help having BOTH voice and sign for me).
2. the same is true when someone calls ME (only example I have is the signmail I got though).
With ZVRS, when I ask to use VCO (one thing I don't like you can't set an option BEFORE the call anymore...), I can hear both the interpreter's voice before I call (sometimes) and the voice of the other caller/callee.
There is no difference between Sorenson and ZVRS settings for audio and mic- that I can see anyway- so I suspect it's on the VRS provider's side maybe?
Okay old post but I wanted to say I was at Gally during all the time of this thread and Sorenson isn't great at all. They just are powerful due to being owned by a rich hearing white Mormon family that wants to indoctrinate and do missions to the Deaf especially on our campus, that is why they put so many booths there and the entire system runs on it. They will cancel your number and recycle it if not used once a year and that happened to me when I was GSA president in 2015/2016 at the worst possible time, causing all the planning for admins for Bobbi Cordano's inauguration to postpone until I could arrive to campus a week early. This is due to inability for them to get me a new number in less than a month, having to prove each time I am Deaf/hoh with audiogram sent in again, wait wait wait. Sad that new number was for some old lady who died and I had to tell some sweet old woman she cannot come to the phone anymore.

Also wrong was (now we have zoom, wish VRS would have not been selfish and done this!) we could not connect all our calls with my Purple number. I LOVEEEEE Purple!
1. Purple NEVER deletes your number, or never did mine! I have had same number since 2011.
2. Purple terps match your skills, if fluent in ASL, SEE, mixed, SimCom, more Gally style, or more my home town Vancouver, WA style! I have never ever had a terp from Purple who didn't undy me and I have never not understood them, regardless if I used VCO or voiced and sound off!

This even when my mom first time used with me during an emergency.
3. With Sorenson when I worked for a Deaf center with a elderly formerly hearing male client with hearing loss who didn't sign and read lips, the terp assumed because I spoke to him I was a LIAR CHEATER and refused to sign to me!! I had another woman from Texas who I could not undy and she also questioned if I was really Deaf because she didn't know Gally or Vancouver signs!!! DANG BIGOTED IGNORANT HEARIE TERPS! I have spoken in person here where I work full time as a case worker at a great agency today with terps who have lived in other places and had to learn Vancouver signs about this, having done VRS work and some Deaf getting mad because of rare local signs they didn't know. TERPS should not behave this way...be trauma informed and professional, you are not to be a cop and police who is not Deaf enough!! I have NEVER had this with anybody except with SORENSON terps, ONLY them. And yes I also know some buddies who went to Gally who went to work for them, so I am sure some are great terps too, but I kept getting people who would not help me and my clients and I cannot have that happen again.
So now at my workplace I am only getting PURPLE for myself and I am still happy as a clam, even though I did not like the merger with Z, and did not like their Meta collaboration at all. It is all about my accessibility and respect for me, and secondly not giving a cult any government money.
I would love to get a VERY NICE QUALITY and private booth style for use by Deaf public who come in to use our facilities and computer lab. If anybody has discussion and experience on ANY companies of this I am open to hearing all. Thank you.