Vp doesnt "hogs" internet when connected and slow down pc. You need to understand that whatever you are actually connected to vrs or another person vp, You are using bandwidth of your internet connection. If you try to use your pc the same time and notice a drop in connection speed, or lower video quality , then you know that either you have poor line quality to your modem, or not enough bandwidth. If you set your send and receive to be both 512kb and your upload bandwidth is maybe 380's, yeah you are going to have problems. setting your send speed same or less of your upload speed like 256kb send, then you will be able to use both pc and vp same time without big noticable issues. If you demand that you must play your warcraft game on PC against your freind and see what your freind is doing and saying on VP, You will need to call your internet provider and increase your level of service for more bandwidth. Remember, increasing bandwidth cost money. SO this being said, you need to make a choice, be patience and finish your call on vp to use your pc and vice versa.