With my personal experience working with Sorenson, you have to be aware that we have very large disparity of deaf intelligents, I'm talking about from low function deaf people to very professional literate deaf people. Even with people like us are very experences in computer. Now you may not aware about what's going on in this vlogs..many of you don't bothered to read all the nTouch FAQ, and the vloggers keep saying thing that "can't do" but it said in the FAQ that you can. Some of you don't bothered to read all the FAQ? The answers are all there. Same thing with many deaf people don't even bothered to read the manual, they just simply doing trial and error, but there are more to it, like trick to get around something, manipulation of contact list and so on. Many deaf didn't know about that. I been to many clients house that I find lot of thing doesn't seem going right... like for example I find 3 routers, why the world they need 3??? So, I helped them to clean it up and their internet speed improved, less wires, less power adapters and so on. There are few times that I find they have virus on there laptop which they didn't know about.. they knew there something is wrong but thought maybe it's the internet speed, repsonse time are soo slow and such. Many of the clients didn't know about they got infected with virus. Some say..they don't want to keep paying an annual fee for virus protections, So, trainer go beyond that to help that person to give advise that there are other free virus programs which have good protections. Client didn't know about that. There are many reason for trainers/installer to go there.
I hear you about this.. true enough, I helped more than scores of people with their computers in the past and realized there must be more problems out there just like what you described above. Some users even had no anti-virus program on and even not bothering to clean up (defrag and etc)... crazy!
It's just something they need to learn to run them better and more effective on their own, preferably but so many people don't even bother to which cost them more in the long run like that. They could use free or pay courses online or learn from others whenever they can whilst some others do indeed learn them over the time. I previously thought that it would be nice for some deaf innovator-to-be to set them up to help those people to be more skilled which make things lot easier for the installers and others the likes. Maybe it will happen someday.
Yet after all that it fall into people's responsibilities, not Sorenson anyway!
Now for the people who complained about "why installer/trainer have to come over, it's a waste of time" are computer literate. LOL.
Yes, you are right that those including I think it wastes their time coming over for the software to complicate (or whatever) before ready to use BECAUSE those certain ones including me are computer literate, not computer illiterate (read me slow, I-L-L-I-T-E-R-A-T-E). Gotcha!
The rest of your comment (at least most of it) lay its problems upon Sorenson, Zvrs, Purple, and other VRS providers thus the FCC to deal with, not their customers.
Why complain about an installer coming over for the sakes? It has some good point itself, but it leaves up to the people, the customers whether they do or don't mind the hassle in order to receive the nTouch and use. Right now P3 and z4 have the advantage yet maybe you're right that they may be too loose with the FCC rules. Again, it's the Sorenson nTouch to be competitive with others so if they stick with the installer requirement, they may lack in the competition considerably bit... but in the end they might win.
Realize that the Sorenson has 85% deaf customers who have vp200 already therefore they already know who are legally deaf, right?
So then why bother to send their installer to complete the nTouch process before anyone could use? hmm It just doesn't make sense to me.
Only for computer illiterates, it would make sense for the installers to go over to fix and instruct those ones.
Some others and I thought that the Sorenson could use some wisdom by using the remote installment considerably more that do save lot of their money in the long run, not forgetting that they suffer some FCC rate cuts ahead. Installers do still get paid by using the remote method. See?
Whatsoever, but we are just thankful for the Sorenson company for their wonderful products, nTouch PC + Mobile which can be with us anywhere, anytime unlike before.