Sorenson nTouch VP for sale?


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Not legal to sell nTouch VP? Tampa Bay pawn shop have selling it. Package says "Not Resale" See images.


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*raises eyebrows*

Maybe contact Sorenson and let them know there's an nTouch out there in the Tampa pawn shop. I wonder if it ended up there as part of some estate and whoever took care of it didn't know you have to return them...
Will they able track MAC address or IP address on nTouch VP?

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Only idiots would try this, there will always be suckers out there fall for it. The winner is always that company that owns the box.

The chances are, they may already know about it. It is not hard to track down to the account holder, and there will be unwanted consequences for that account user. The pawn shop may lose money.

Very hard to get away with it, my advise, don't try this at your home.
Maybe landlord have to evict Jess out of her apartment for not paying rent more than several months. The landlord sells Jess stuff including her sorensonVP to pawnshop. :lol:
Yeah, and I did that before and this what it show up:

Sorenson nTouch VP (ntouchvp) Surveillance

"Surveillance"???? LOL!!!

Now that one is illegal!!
From what I'm seeing....selling on e-bay must be a desperate move to get money for drugs.....
Number one answer is NO

Number two, that VP-100 once plugged and powered up it will go in lock down, thus render useless. In other words, it won't place call nor receive calls, period. Act like a dumb terminal.

In order to be able to use VP-100 best is Dlink I-2eye which CAN make calls, and receiving calls. The only problem is there is no directory server exists (Dlink took the server down permanent) so therefore have to use IP address, and let others know your IP address in order to be able to receive their calls.

Other issues with older VP is protocol compatibility, so it might not work with current Videophones that don't recognizes older protocol, or unable to roll back.

Legal to sell old Sorenson VP 100 from eBay.???

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I am shocked you guys thought I fall for it every time, wow!

(Damn it! bag of popcorn only has seeds left in bottom. Grrr!)

Have a great day!
I am shocked you guys thought I fall for it every time, wow!

(Damn it! bag of popcorn only has seeds left in bottom. Grrr!)

Have a great day!

then why did you show us the video and say "here is a video that may shock you?" and telling him that his assumption may be wrong?
