Sooooo FRUSTRATING!!!! I hate my new hearing aid.

how humdity weather your with hair ?

easy, I have long hair that covers my hearing aids so it shouldn't be a problem in that weather :)
my hair can also get curly in that weather if I wore a ponytail.
easy, I have long hair that covers my hearing aids so it shouldn't be a problem in that weather :)
my hair can also get curly in that weather if I wore a ponytail.
probably you cut hair :lol: short on hair nice you love ponytail you are girl!
LOL - WOW - a way way way older thread ended up being resurrected!

Anyway, as an update to this thread (which I think I added to a separate thread update...) I'm pleased to say that now I have a Unitron 360e hearing aid, and I absolutely LOVE it. Absolutely fantastic and does the job really well. Plus, the environmental protection factors (against sweat, dust, etc.) are fabulous.

A very highly recommended hearing aid from me. :wave: :wave:
I've had a lot of cutting out in my digital aid lately (my other ear has an older, analog one that still works beautifully - better than the digital one, actually!) It's frustrating -- I think it's the humidity. It just seems to have a mind of its own and cuts out whenever it comes into contact with loud or higher-pitched sounds. So when I want to listen to music, it conveniently shuts itself off! grr ... :(
Sounds like you could also use a little air blower, that you could blow dry into your tube. And when you put back on the HA, you'll see that the sound usually comes back and all.
Sounds like you could also use a little air blower, that you could blow dry into your tube. And when you put back on the HA, you'll see that the sound usually comes back and all.

I have one of those too. Looks like a tiny, tiny water heated water bottle. I use that ALOT ! Helps sometimes, not always.

I actually think this HA may be broken. I do have an audi appt for Tuesday.
When I first got my new Phonak hearing aid, I could hear wonderfully. Things were great - crisp, clear, perfect in many different situations and I could hear and understand everyone and everything. Now I can't. A couple of problems:

1. Windowblind effect

When things get loud, there would be a window blind effect like noise is going through a bunch of thin fluttery objects. Now, that no longer happens (or I'm not noticing it) and I'm having a damned hard time understanding people (including my mom, when I could understand her no problem far away and behind me when I first got it).

2. Normal mode: everything sounds like a cocoon

When external noise is loud enough (such as driving in the car on the freeway), everything starts sounding like I'm inside a cocoon. Everything sounds muffled and very crappy. I don't WANT THAT: I want to hear everything normally from waking up to when I go to sleep like I heard with my analog.

3. I'm having an increasingly hard time understanding people that I could hear perfectly when I first got it. Like my mom for example. I can't understand her anymore unless I can visually lipread what she's saying.

AAAGGGHHH. Why can't I go back to analog. Why do these stupid hearing aids have to require multiple trips to the audie to get them programmed just right. Why can't I just get a hearing aid where I can just SET IT AND FORGET IT and get to my life until the next major thing comes along in five years. Why does the ^*@#&ing industry have to go to digital just to remove a single part when it's been proven that my brain has been wired for and prefers the analog version. Why can't my audie carry analogs...they're gone from my audie's office now and they only have a power analog.

Sorry folks...I'm soooooooo frustrated right now I could scream.

I don't mean to be so negative but after figuring this out and finding it out I'm very angry at things right now. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

hello i am sorry about u frustrated ,I was in same situation as u and i did wore digtail Ha since 2006 ,It is was the best HA i ever had so in November 2011 i notice my hearing was not right . i went to audiology to get hearing test and i have lost both hearing(senisnerual hearing loss) so they have given me last try phonak HA ,At first i was listen to audiology he was speak deep voice so clear. i am thinking thank god is good HA unforauntly in some time is went back to crap sound .I am strugglin what people saying as well .
If u had new HA recently just give it more time cos ur brain is working hard to adapt new sound .it is don't work like that u hear perfect sound straight away just give it time and see what happen .
Driving the car sound like cocoon SNAP !!! i was getting peed off listening to it lol it is doing my head in hahaha :D
So basically new phonak i wore for about 8 month i had enough wearing my HA because it is not helping me in some ways .I have dediced go for CI as my hearing had got worse due the fact i wore very powerfully HA for over 30 yrs .it is more likey that i have got some kind cochlear cells hair is missing or damaged Or is could be my ear drum nerves is on way out .
So like i say give it time ;)
damn it is old post .
i have seen that he had updated that he got new HA that he love it ,That is fantastic news :laugh2:
mine make me feel sick pit of stomach,i dont use them anymore the small amount of hearing not worth feeling so awful