Son's CI surgery

Hey Fragmenter, I am glad things are going well for you and your family. my oldest sister has diabetes (I seems not able to recall which) and it is strange that she's health freak and etc and it hit her! (she's in late 50's now and it happened to her about a decade ago)
I too have recently started eating better. Well, a little better anyway. I have become slightly more aware of what I am eating. For some reason, after I quit smoking 2 months ago, I stated to become more aware of the crap I was eating. I decided I had to quit smoking for Lilly. If I want to smoke myself to death, thats one thing. But I dont want Lilly to have to care for me when Im laid up with emphazema, a tracheotomy, cancer and all that other good stuff. That is simply an unfair burden to place on her.
........... If I want to smoke myself to death, thats one thing. But I dont want Lilly to have to care for me when Im laid up with emphazema, a tracheotomy, cancer and all that other good stuff. That is simply an unfair burden to place on her.
"Funny" you should mentionthis.
My parents have smoked as long as I know (and before) and I feel like "do I have to pick up the pieces later... sitting at their deathbed, they, caughing their lungs out...

I'm happy for Lilly

Sorry, :topic: but just wanted to mention this...
Bi-lateral CI is something that we will look at harder than the first one. It will depend on how much he improves in the next 12 months. There is only one event that will make bi-lateral CI a default decision -- when Marshall demands it. So far, he has been open to the idea but we are gonna weight everything unless he demands it.

Marshall will follow a healthy diet as every human being should :) It's funny, diabetic people follows a correct diet. That is why we probably all will become health freaks. Soon enough, we will be reading that small nurition facts box on every food packaging without thinking. So we simply are becoming 20 times more organized overnight.

It is weird... I took our eating habits for granted until now. I can tell you straight up that your lives do revolve around your eating habits, healthy or not.

I'm sorry to hear your news. Marshall has dealt with a lot already and he is only 5!! He sounds like a trooper. You guys have a great family and are there for each other, you will all get through this fine!!

Good luck!
Small update.

Everybody is doing well and we're doing great with his diabetes so far. It's almost a non-issue in our everyday lives because we're automatic with it now.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that our son is going to have his bi-lateral CI surgery on February 12th with the same doctor. We're excited about it.
Small update.

Everybody is doing well and we're doing great with his diabetes so far. It's almost a non-issue in our everyday lives because we're automatic with it now.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that our son is going to have his bi-lateral CI surgery on February 12th with the same doctor. We're excited about it.

YAY for Marshal! I know some people think I'm anti bilateral CI.....but I just think that people should exhaust all the alternatives FIRST before something like this. I just know of a lot of cases where *trying something different* really helped!
That's fantastic Frag! I know from your past posts that this would have been a decision that Marshall was very involved in. Please keep us updated :)

And so glad too that you have settled down into the new routine and lifestyle with the diabetes. It was fortunate that it was picked up so early.
Was just wondering about you and your family...

Glad to hear everything is well.

Happy New Year.... This year is going to be a Smashing Hit for you guy's
Thanks guys! I've just been busy making sure everybody in my family is well.

We are just giving Marshall every option possible. If he decides that hearing is not his cup of tea by 18 years old, it is up to him to discontinue hearing or keep on hearing.

I've had a loaner digital hearing aid for the last 1 and half months. It was emotional for me at first but now it feels weird when I don't hear sounds. It's the first time in my life that I am hearing sounds with an open mind. It's a very colorful world when you hear sounds because everything makes sound. My favorite sound is the paper crinkling when you flap it... it's amazing something so fragile can make lots of noise! I'm currently looking at different hearing aids for purchase. It's awesome to hear the world!

Anyway, enough ramblings from me.. I'm going and try to get in bed early for work. I will come back here the next time I have plenty of time on my hands :)

BTW, I missed every one of you!
Fragmenter, I am so excited for you and your son both!!!!!!!

I am looking forward to hearing about how his second surgery goes.

Congratulations on your son's bilateral surgery! :) If you have any questions about bilateral CIs or are interested in the perspective of an adult bilateral CI user (in helping to better understand what your son may be experiencing), please feel free to send me a PM anytime.

I'm glad you're benefitting from a digital hearing aid! I can still remember the first time I wore HAs. I was 15 at the time and couldn't believe how wonderful (and loud!) the world sounded.

All the best to you and your son. :)
YEAH!!!!!!! Marshall and Lilly are getting the bilat around the same time! And congrats on the digital HA!
I wish I knew you all were in town over Xmas. I would have liked to meet up again!
Small update.

Everybody is doing well and we're doing great with his diabetes so far. It's almost a non-issue in our everyday lives because we're automatic with it now.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that our son is going to have his bi-lateral CI surgery on February 12th with the same doctor. We're excited about it.

That is great news about his diabetes. Sometimes you just have to get into a routine to make things ok.

Great news also about the bilateral surgery. Marshall must be so excited, as well as your whole family. Victoria is going to have her one ear implanted on February 7th. It's going to be an exciting time for all of us!

Good luck with your hearing also. That is awesome you are able to hear sounds for the first time. Must be such an exciting time for you. Every day is different and you can learn to hear something new everyday.

Now that the holidays are over, I have to start reading threads on this site again. Especially with her implant in a month!
YEAH!!!!!!! Marshall and Lilly are getting the bilat around the same time! And congrats on the digital HA!
I wish I knew you all were in town over Xmas. I would have liked to meet up again!

And my daughter will have her first implant on February 7th. Within those 2 weeks, all 3 of our kids will have implants. Fun times. I will most likely be asking you guys for advice soon!
And my daughter will have her first implant on February 7th. Within those 2 weeks, all 3 of our kids will have implants. Fun times. I will most likely be asking you guys for advice soon!
I thought you had "2 kids, 1 hoh" (3 kids with implant..... that must be some changing of batteries.... recharging.... etc.)