Songs you turn your hearing aids off for?

darkangel8603 said:
country for sure!, i hate music that just sound like mubble of words and sound like romanic music whatever. I like loud music with lots of beats.

awwww, romantic love songs just put a smile on your face, I cannot believe you don't even like romantic music. :eek: You surprised me.

Oh I forgot to add Opera, :barf: I never understand opera, with all those high pitch sounds just makes me have headaches. :whistle: I've seen people cried when watching opera. :ugh:
Biggie Biggie Biggie
Can't you see.
Sometimes your words just hypnotize me.
And I just love you flashy ways.
Guess that's why their broke and your so paid.

cental34 said:
Its Bananas! B A N A Anas! :rofl:

I hate that song with a passion.... what convinced her to write a song about something being bananas?? :pissed: Maybe shes related to Levonian??? :rofl:
Oh come on. Surely you could appreciate the comedic value of it. All my friends and I sure do.
Well the Bananas song is strangely attractive when ur intoxitated.....but still the lyrics are just SO SO beyond awful!
Now you could even point to a specific genre of punk. Pop punk, street punk, crust punk, hardcore punk. I personally love it all. Nothing in this world makes me feel more alive than a good punk song.
Including punk that is literally someone screaming at the top of their lungs?
Punk is BIG where I attended college, and I remmy being in the library when there was a concert of someone screaming at the top of their lungs....I could hear it all the way in the library!
You've suddenly given me the urge to go listen to some Minor Threat or Dead Kennedies.

Like I said. Music is music. I listen to some metal bands that have nothing about straight screaming vocals all the way through, yet I can still understand the lyrics. Its an aquired taste.
oh come on not all screamers are aweful they can be melodic :mrgreen:
Whitney Houston - I will always love you. Funny thing is I used to love this song when it first came out. Now it just turns my stomach.
Yes, I KNOW not all punk is people screaming.....but can you call people screaming music? I mean some of that screaming sounds like Yoko Ono or whatever.....
deafdyke said:
Yes, I KNOW not all punk is people screaming.....but can you call people screaming music? I mean some of that screaming sounds like Yoko Ono or whatever.....

No offense to Yoko Ono, but I would try to have a good handle on a language before I sung in it.... :dizzy:
darkangel8603 said:
country for sure!, i hate music that just sound like mubble of words and sound like romanic music whatever. I like loud music with lots of beats.
^5 :ily: there are romantic & cool rock music!
deafdyke said:
Yes, I KNOW not all punk is people screaming.....but can you call people screaming music? I mean some of that screaming sounds like Yoko Ono or whatever.....

depends on what punk music you're talking about

nate barcalow from finch has the most greatest scream ever although live he kind of sucks. i do love his voice in the acoustic version of "letters to you".
I listen to all kinds of music, even opera. There is only one song that comes to mind that I just cannot stand and thats Brooks and Dunns My Maria. Thats the only song that really makes my skin crawl.
I dislike Opera :squint: except for Charlotte Church. She is such a gifted, talented, young lady who has a natural ability for singing with a soprano voice and lower that started at such a young age.

I do like most variety of music. Believe it or not I was a headbanger when I was a teenager. Mostly to AC/DC, Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Ted Nugent, Bon Jovi, Def Lepperd, Heart, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Meatloaf, Van Zant Brothers, Pink Floyd, Eagles........too many to list.

I like to listen to christian music, beach music, disco music, classical & oldies.

I can listen to some country, rap, punk, new age. It depends on the artist.

My least favorite song is by Hank Williams, don't remember the title, but it goes something like this, i'm crying for you dear, there's a tear in my beer.....
makes my skin crawl :thumbd:
mlkshkgrl said:
I listen to all kinds of music, even opera. There is only one song that comes to mind that I just cannot stand and thats Brooks and Dunns My Maria. Thats the only song that really makes my skin crawl.

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like its better than yours.
Damn, right its better than yours.
I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.

^ i agree ... oh and that stupid one hit wonder song from pretty ricky"grind with me" or something :dizzy: migraine
My choices

No hearing aid here, but will NOT listen to:

disco (Went to HS in 70's - had enuf then)
rap (How can you call that music?)
opera (Can't understand the lyrics and too many high notes ruins it for me)

:topic: Went to friend's funeral few years ago. Had opera singer do 'Amazing Grace'. Would have rather heard 'normal' version.