sometimes being poor means having more fun...


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
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and add more pictures to show more great examples please ...

thanks a bunch fellow ADers
Well I don't have pictures but I do have stories from being in a poor family.

Going on vacations never involved 5-star hotels or fancy dining. Because of this we'd laugh at the dumps we stayed at. There was this hotel that had big chains tied around the TV and I'd laugh my butt off in how they didn't even hide them or made it look presentable. And there was this one that had a river running under the hotel and you could smell it. P-eewww!!

If we were rich we wouldn't have hilarious stories of staying at the hilton and eating fabulous meals.

Good times indeed!
We were dirt poor...grew up in the backwoods of indoor bathroom....and ate off the land...father was a moonshiner too...I and my siblings (6 of us) never even thought of ourselves as "poor"...We had fun, regardless and as long as we had enugh to eat, we were happy, but not healthy tho'...

As I look back on it all...we were really pathlic!....:giggle:...Making $5/day handing and cropping tobacco was a thrill of mine...I felt "rich!"..and going into "town" once a month for supplies (horse and buggy), I was able to buy some candy and fruit....
We were dirt poor...grew up in the backwoods of indoor bathroom....and ate off the land...father was a moonshiner too...I and my siblings (6 of us) never even thought of ourselves as "poor"...We had fun, regardless and as long as we had enugh to eat, we were happy, but not healthy tho'...

As I look back on it all...we were really pathlic!....:giggle:...Making $5/day handing and cropping tobacco was a thrill of mine...I felt "rich!"..and going into "town" once a month for supplies (horse and buggy), I was able to buy some candy and fruit....

Now I want to read your book ;-).
We were real poor when I was growing up. I only remember one night in a hotel as a child (with family, a few on school trips) and the hotel we stayed in had shag carpet.......on the walls! Seems the motel, which was at the end of the Austin airport runway, thought this would be good soundproofing. :lol:

Can't say that I am any worse off for it though.
Have you been to Gary, Indiana? Yikes. I've been there several times.

Yes. One time I thought I was going to Merrville, IN to buy something, but GPS showed Gary. Since I was on road, I went for it. If I knew it was in Gary, I would probably not have went.

I went to buy a rickshaw in Gary of all the place!! 3 black guys and I(white guy) got it tied to my Mercury Mountaineer. I was on side road away from highway. Away from busy street!!! I was the only white guy there. Seemed like there were 15 black guys on the block. We got rickshaw tied to my car. I was careful to not look like I was in hurry to leave. Tied it enough to get off block. Got to gas station in a safe area, then tied rickshaw tighter so that it doesn't fall out of car.

Never again!!!

Did go to Goodwill in Gary area on Ridge. Drove through Gary few times.
Yes. One time I thought I was going to Merrville, IN to buy something, but GPS showed Gary. Since I was on road, I went for it. If I knew it was in Gary, I would probably not have went.

I went to buy a rickshaw in Gary of all the place!! 3 black guys and I(white guy) got it tied to my Mercury Mountaineer. I was on side road away from highway. Away from busy street!!! I was the only white guy there. Seemed like there were 15 black guys on the block. We got rickshaw tied to my car. I was careful to not look like I was in hurry to leave. Tied it enough to get off block. Got to gas station in a safe area, then tied rickshaw tighter so that it doesn't fall out of car.

Never again!!!

Did go to Goodwill in Gary area on Ridge. Drove through Gary few times.

Oh yeah...The overwhelming majority of time murder is due to gang activity or domestic violence...not so in Gary or Compton or Camden NJ.....
that's the idea Jiro, YOU got it man, Peace out. glad you contributed in the way its intended..., and yep 'that's real fun, stuff that shows kids have hopes and being resilient to the places of despair where they shows inspiration to adults who are conditioned to think 'the haves' is a way to happiness, because, you see, its not the what to have, its the what to DO...that really matters...its hard for adults to do this because, its brings across , ridicule, and well Movies gives us an excuse...somewhat but sadly real life don't...
[ame=]Guy on wheels enjoys life - YouTube[/ame]