Some people name their cars...


New Member
Mar 7, 2012
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Does anyone name their hearing aids, or am I the only one eccentric enough? Haha! :giggle:

I have my Phonak Naida, and two back ups. One is a Bernafon, the other is an old clunky Phonak analog that still works like a charm even after 10 years. I have taken to calling this old thing "Old Faithful", because it is still hanging in there. Phonak is the best! My Bernafon I was referring to as Benny. It sounded kind of cute and it is close to the brand name. My Naida I refer to as Nat. I'm not exactly sure why now. It has to do with the musical start up melodies it has.
*snort* That is FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be like naming your glasses. I know people who name their colostumies lol
Hmm. You know what's funny, I never thought of naming my glasses. I guess because my glasses are mainly for nearsightedness. However my hearing aid is a device that links me to the auditory world, such as music and movies.

Speaking of which, I remembered exactly why I refer to my new Phonak Naida as "Nat"; because it plays a Jazzy little tune on startup and when it is switching channels. For those who don't know Jazz, Nat King Cole is a famous Jazz artist.
I don't give my hearing aids a name, but I can tell you that my analog hearing aids were always warm and natural sounding, whereas my digital ones were evil and robotic sounding. Hehe.
Does anyone name their hearing aids, or am I the only one eccentric enough? Haha! :giggle:

I have my Phonak Naida, and two back ups. One is a Bernafon, the other is an old clunky Phonak analog that still works like a charm even after 10 years. I have taken to calling this old thing "Old Faithful", because it is still hanging in there. Phonak is the best! My Bernafon I was referring to as Benny. It sounded kind of cute and it is close to the brand name. My Naida I refer to as Nat. I'm not exactly sure why now. It has to do with the musical start up melodies it has.
[ame=]Top Secret Pinto scene - YouTube[/ame]
I don't give my hearing aids a name, but I can tell you that my analog hearing aids were always warm and natural sounding, whereas my digital ones were evil and robotic sounding. Hehe.


I know what you mean. The digitals seem to be bereft of the warmth and feeling to the sound. To me at least, the digital does sound clearer, and I like how you can program it to fit your specific hearing loss. The analog just amplifies everything, even background noise. But, like you said, at least it sounds more natural.


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