Society's child


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
I just had to tell you I loved your palm face lion ! The thread is locked!
Travis: condolence on your mother's death.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Why, thank you! I *facepalm* on a regular basis. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing... :ugh3:

It's a good thing. It covers that dent in your forehead... oh wait, that dent is from facepalming? ouch... sorry, then that's not so good. :giggle:
Oh, I'll totally date myself here when I immediately thought of the Janis Ian song called, "Society's Child".
Oh, I'll totally date myself here when I immediately thought of the Janis Ian song called, "Society's Child".

That's exactly where I got my screen name from.:) I'm 34 so the song is older than I am (i think) but I enjoy listening to old music so that's the reason why I know it in the first place.