Again--everything happend on Jaunary 23rd--last Friday. Now everything is under investigation and double checking individual's stories.
Remember.....I can assume what's going on but it doesn't mean it's actually happening.
Maybe the teacher noticed that the IEP wasn't being carried out on your part as it says that your child must attend school with one HA and decided to share his/her concern with a CPS official. CPS then drops by your house to inquire about the HA's and in the process, makes an ididotic comment about your kids should have a CI. The reasoning for CPS to stop by is also to check out your home to make sure that it's adequate.
From readin all of your posts--I was under the impression that it was your child's teacher that called CPS, not another teacher......
Chances are that the principal may know something. Since everything is still under investigation--they don't talk or reveal anything until the investigation is complete. By talking about an on-going investigation--you can jeopardize it as well as taint it with personal views.
Again--just talking to a CPS official is a "report" enough as it is.....
Again--this is all hypothetical and nothing is definite yet.