I'm saying that the people who paid into the system during their long work histories paid into the system in order that the funds would be there for them when they retired. And the majority of those who rely on SS retirement as their only source of income, and will be receiving the $250.00 checks, are living below the poverty line, and are among those that are suffering most during this recession. But I suppose the fact that they have worked for a large portion of their life, and paid taxes into the system, and are now in dire straits, often having to choose between medication and food, doesn't matter to some.
Many, many people that receive SSI benefits do work, and do pay taxes into the system.
I work now, 2 jobs as a matter of fact, and I do not regret the fact that our elderly and our poor will be receiving a $250.00 check to make their lives a tiny bit more bearable.