So You Think Lip Reading is Easy?

You know one thing is interesting, I don't know of anyone who is HOH experience this. For me, I depend on lipreading when someone talking to me with my HA on, and when I didn't wear HA, my lip reading skill is a shot. It's like I'm completely lost with everything person says. It's like I gotta have my HA back on so I can feel comfortable with lip reading. You know? It's like my HA is on/off switch for my lip reading.
^^^My guess it makes a good backup for your HAs. I've been trying to watch lips more myself, but it is always nice to actually hear (somewhat) what they're saying.
We had a Pastor in Missouri that I could not lipread at all. He had what I call "muppet mouth". It was totally like a puppets mouth and stiff as a board.

I am stuck lipreading 100% of the time. I have no choice as the family is unwilling/unable to learn ASL/PSE.